A Midnight Howl is a thrilling love story filled with romance, comedy and battles between good and evil. After the death of her parents, young Scarlet Valehood finds herself living with her Aunt Martha in a beautiful old southern estate in Louisiana that at one time held many happy childhood memories. But shortly after her arrival, Scarlet learns that the fantasy characters in the stories she used to watch in late night movies and read about before going to bed really do exist. Only wanting to see her niece happy, Scarlet's aunt decided it would be best for Scarlet if she were to find true...
A Midnight Howl is a thrilling love story filled with romance, comedy and battles between good and evil. After the death of her parents, young Scarlet...
Dudley and Dolly's story was inspired by actual events that happened on my rescue farm with a loveable lamb and a silly goat. Dudley and Dolly's story starts off describing what it's like to live on a farm with a goat named Dudley and a sheep named Dolly, who together always seem to get themselves into trouble. During their escape they visit all the other animals on the farm, which are actual rescues with their original names. Wanting to prove to the farmer, his wife and their two children how helpful they are around the farm, together Dudley and Dolly end up on the farmer's new red tractor...
Dudley and Dolly's story was inspired by actual events that happened on my rescue farm with a loveable lamb and a silly goat. Dudley and Dolly's story...