This book was written with the aim of showing that even in the era of globalization developments appearing in cities are not subject to almost unconditional global forces. Rather, universal forces are decisive eventualities in the process of urban restructuring, often influencing its course and speed, yet developments and particularities within a city strongly influence the course of events and the extent to which negative characteristics of globalization might occur. Local forces are central in the process of change and they may influence the perceived unstoppable process of...
This book was written with the aim of showing that even in the era of globalization developments appearing in cities are not subject to almost unco...
This book was written with the aim of showing that even in the era of globalization developments appearing in cities are not subject to almost unconditional global forces. Rather, universal forces are decisive eventualities in the process of urban restructuring, often influencing its course and speed, yet developments and particularities within a city strongly influence the course of events and the extent to which negative characteristics of globalization might occur. Local forces are central in the process of change and they may influence the perceived unstoppable process of...
This book was written with the aim of showing that even in the era of globalization developments appearing in cities are not subject to almost unco...
Die Landschaftsokologie als Wissenschaft von der Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehung im weitesten Sinne ist als Fachbereich zwischen unterschiedlichen Disziplinen angeordnet. Sie stellt den Zusammenhang Mensch - Natur - Raum in den Mittelpunkt ihrer Theorie, aber auch ihrer praktischen Arbeit. Gegenstand der Landschaftsokologie ist das Landschaftsokosystem. Es umfat die Gesamtrealitat, die sich aus dem Zusammenspiel von menschlichem Wirken, naturgegebenen Rahmenbedingungen und regionalen raumlichen Gegebenheiten ergibt. Die Autoren behandeln folgende Themenbereiche: Grundlagen der Angewandten...
Die Landschaftsokologie als Wissenschaft von der Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehung im weitesten Sinne ist als Fachbereich zwischen unterschiedlichen Disziplinen...