From the #1 bestselling author in France. Fred Vargas's books have been published in forty countries and over 10 million copies sold. Three wounds in a perfectly straight line was the bloody signature that marked victims from every corner of France who had been murdered over the course of thirty years. Commissaire Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg, the chief of police in Paris's 7th Arrondissement, is deeply and personally familiar with the case, and though others were always framed and convicted for these crimes, including his own brother, the Commissaire knows the true identity of the...
From the #1 bestselling author in France. Fred Vargas's books have been published in forty countries and over 10 million copies sold. Three...
The popular Parisian mystery by the international bestselling mystery writer, Fred Vargas, whom the French have hailed as the next Henning Mankell. In a small Parisian square, the ancient tradition of the town crier continues into modern times. The self-appointed crier, Joss Le Guern, reads out the daily news, snippets of gossip, and lately, ominous messages--placed in his handmade wooden message box by an anonymous source--that warn of an imminent onset of the bubonic plague. Concerned, Le Guern brings the puzzling notes to the bumbling but brilliant Chief Inspector Jean-Baptiste...
The popular Parisian mystery by the international bestselling mystery writer, Fred Vargas, whom the French have hailed as the next Henning Mankell.
The second book by a major international mystery writer: this "exciting and careful whodunit is well-executed, page turning crime fiction" (Publishers Weekly). A small mountain community in the French Alps is roused to terror when they awaken each morning to find yet another of their sheep with its throat torn out. One of the villagers thinks it might be a werewolf, and when she's found killed in the same manner, people begin to wonder if she might have been right. Suspicion falls on Massart, a loner living on the edge of town. The murdered woman's adopted son, one of her...
The second book by a major international mystery writer: this "exciting and careful whodunit is well-executed, page turning crime fiction" (Publish...
A chilling new mystery from France's #1 bestselling writer Twice awarded the International Dagger by the Crime Writers' Association, Fred Vargas has earned a reputation in Europe as a mystery author of the first order. In This Night's Foul Work, the intuitive Commissaire Adamsberg teams up with Dr. Ariane, a pathologist with whom he crossed paths twenty years ago, to unravel a beguiling mystery that begins with the discovery of two bodies in Paris's Porte de la Chapelle. Adamsberg believes it may be the work of a killer with split personalities, who is choosing his or her...
A chilling new mystery from France's #1 bestselling writer Twice awarded the International Dagger by the Crime Writers' Association, Fred ...
Grégoire und Vincent, zwei halbwüchsige Kleinkriminelle, klauen einem alten Mann die Tasche, deren Inhalt sie erschaudern lässt: vier Haarbüschel, ein Tierschädel, seltsame Bücher über Zauberei, eine Dose mit Zahnsplittern und 30.000 Francs. Am nächsten Morgen wird Vincent tot aufgefunden - auf seinem Körper das Mal eines Widderkopfes, das Kommissar Adamsberg auf die Spur eines Serienmörders bringt.
Grégoire und Vincent, zwei halbwüchsige Kleinkriminelle, klauen einem alten Mann die Tasche, deren Inhalt sie erschaudern lässt: vier Haarbüschel,...
Auch die Magie Vargas (Le Monde) hat einmal begonnen: Hier ist der erste Krimi von Fred Vargas, der bereits ihr groes Talent fr herzergreifende, schrge Typen erkennen lt. Drei exzentrische Studenten, eine wundervolle Femme fatale und ein Bischof, den Genssen des Lebens zugetan, haben alles, was eine echte Vargas ausmacht. Auf dem europischen Kunstmarkt tauchen unbekannte Zeichnungen von Michelangelo auf. Sind sie aus der Vatikan-Bibliothek gestohlen? Als ein Pariser Kunsthistoriker daraufhin eilends nach Rom reist, wird er mit einem Becher Schierling umgebracht.
Auch die Magie Vargas (Le Monde) hat einmal begonnen: Hier ist der erste Krimi von Fred Vargas, der bereits ihr groes Talent fr herzergreifende, schrg...
From the #1 bestselling French author and three-time winner of the Crime Writers' Association's International Dagger Award.
When Commissaire Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg, the chief of police in Paris's seventh arrondissement, is called to the scene of a ghastly and highly unusual murder, he thinks it can't have anything to do with the nine pairs of shoes and severed feet discovered outside of London's Highgate Cemetery just a few days earlier. With the help of the murdered man's gifted physician, Adamsberg delves into the victim's disturbed psyche and unexpectedly finds himself on a path...
From the #1 bestselling French author and three-time winner of the Crime Writers' Association's International Dagger Award.
Auf den 13 Eingangstüren eines Hochhauses im 18. Pariser Arrondissement sind sorgfältig eine umgekehrte "4" und die Buchstaben "CLT" aufgemalt. Kommissar Adamsberg rätselt über die Bedeutung nach: nur ein spinnertes Graffiti oder verbirgt sich dahinter eine verschlüsselte Drohung?
Auf den 13 Eingangstüren eines Hochhauses im 18. Pariser Arrondissement sind sorgfältig eine umgekehrte "4" und die Buchstaben "CLT" aufgemalt. Komm...