Reactive flows encompass a broad range of physical phenomena, interacting over many different time and space scales. Such flows occur in combustion, chemical lasers, the earth's oceans and atmosphere, and in stars. Because of a similarity in their descriptive equations, procedures for constructing numerical models of these systems are also similar, and these similarities can be exploited. Moreover, using the latest technology, what were once difficult and expensive computations can now be done on desktop computers. This new edition of a highly successful book presents algorithms useful for...
Reactive flows encompass a broad range of physical phenomena, interacting over many different time and space scales. Such flows occur in combustion, c...
Reactive flows encompass a broad range of physical phenomena, interacting over many different time and space scales. Such flows occur in combustion, chemical lasers, the earth's oceans and atmosphere, and in stars. Because of a similarity in their descriptive equations, procedures for constructing numerical models of these systems are also similar, and these similarities can be exploited. Moreover, using the latest technology, what were once difficult and expensive computations can now be done on desktop computers. This new edition of a highly successful book presents algorithms useful for...
Reactive flows encompass a broad range of physical phenomena, interacting over many different time and space scales. Such flows occur in combustion, c...