Daniel M. Greenberger Anton Zeilinger Wolfgang L. Reiter
From the very beginning it was realised that quantum physics involves radically new interpretative and epistemological consequences. While hitherto there has been no satisfactory philosophical analysis of these consequences, recent years have witnessed the accomplishment of many experiments to test the foundations of quantum physics, opening up vistas to a completely novel technology: quantum technology. The contributions in the present volume review the interpretative situation, analyze recent fundamental experiments, and discuss the implications of possible future technological...
From the very beginning it was realised that quantum physics involves radically new interpretative and epistemological consequences. While hitherto th...
Information is stored, transmitted and processed by physical means. Thus, the concept of information and computation can be formulated in the con text of a physical theory and the study of information requires ultimately experimentation. This sentence, innocuous at first glance, leads to non-trivial consequences. Following Moore's law, about every 18 months microprocessors double their speed and, it seems, the only way to make them significantly faster is to make them smaller. In the not too distant future they will reach the point where the logic gates are so small that they consist of only...
Information is stored, transmitted and processed by physical means. Thus, the concept of information and computation can be formulated in the con text...
Quantum information theory has revolutionised our view on the true nature of information and has led to such intriguing topics as teleportation and quantum computation. The field -- by its very nature strongly interdisciplinary, with deep roots in the foundations both of quantum mechanics and of information theory and computer science -- has become a major subject for scientists working in fields as diverse as quantum optics, superconductivity or information theory, all the way to computer engineers.
The aim of this book is to provide guidance and introduce the broad literature in all the...
Quantum information theory has revolutionised our view on the true nature of information and has led to such intriguing topics as teleportation and qu...
From the very beginning it was realised that quantum physics involves radically new interpretative and epistemological consequences. While hitherto there has been no satisfactory philosophical analysis of these consequences, recent years have witnessed the accomplishment of many experiments to test the foundations of quantum physics, opening up vistas to a completely novel technology: quantum technology. The contributions in the present volume review the interpretative situation, analyze recent fundamental experiments, and discuss the implications of possible future technological...
From the very beginning it was realised that quantum physics involves radically new interpretative and epistemological consequences. While hitherto th...
Der SPIEGEL brachte kürzlich ein Titelfeature über den »Hexenmeister von Wien«: Anton Zeilinger, von den Medien häufig als »Mister Beam« apostrophiert, hat mit bahnbrechenden Experimenten bewiesen, dass phantastisch anmutende Gesetzmäßigkeiten unsere Sicht der Welt komplett verändern werden. Das Zauberwort heißt Quantenteleportation - das Phänomen ist unter der Bezeichnung Beamen sicher allen Science-Fiction-Fans geläufig. Schon Einstein war diese »spukhafte Fernwirkung« bekannt (wenn auch nicht geheuer). Anton Zeilinger hat nun bewiesen, dass Informationen auf entfernte...
Der SPIEGEL brachte kürzlich ein Titelfeature über den »Hexenmeister von Wien«: Anton Zeilinger, von den Medien häufig als »Mister Beam« apostr...
Information is stored, transmitted and processed by physical means. Thus, the concept of information and computation can be formulated in the con text of a physical theory and the study of information requires ultimately experimentation. This sentence, innocuous at first glance, leads to non-trivial consequences. Following Moore's law, about every 18 months microprocessors double their speed and, it seems, the only way to make them significantly faster is to make them smaller. In the not too distant future they will reach the point where the logic gates are so small that they consist of only...
Information is stored, transmitted and processed by physical means. Thus, the concept of information and computation can be formulated in the con text...
Like its much acclaimed predecessor "Quantum [Un]Speakables: From Bell to Quantum Information" (published 2002), it comprises essays by many of the worlds leading quantum physicists and philosophers.
Like its much acclaimed predecessor "Quantum [Un]Speakables: From Bell to Quantum Information" (published 2002), it comprises essays by many of the wo...