The remote island kingdom of Areulnia, once a land of peace and prosperity, has been ruled by cruel kings for centuries. The people of the land are locked in misery and poverty.
As Prince Pedr is about to take his throne, he learns of the Curse of Cian which foretells the end of the 600-year Duffield dynasty during his reign. He also learns of his own horrible fate.
To keep his throne and preserve the dynasty, Pedr is convinced he must follow the "Nine Steps" devised by his cruel ancestors to defeat the curse and keep the people powerless and enslaved.
Pedr wages wars and suffers many...
The remote island kingdom of Areulnia, once a land of peace and prosperity, has been ruled by cruel kings for centuries. The people of the land are lo...
The remote island kingdom of Areulnia, once a land of peace and prosperity, has been ruled by cruel kings for centuries. The people of the land are locked in misery and poverty.
As Prince Pedr is about to take his throne, he learns of the Curse of Cian which foretells the end of the 600-year Duffield dynasty during his reign. He also learns of his own horrible fate.
To keep his throne and preserve the dynasty, Pedr is convinced he must follow the "Nine Steps" devised by his cruel ancestors to defeat the curse and keep the people powerless and enslaved.
Pedr wages wars and suffers...
The remote island kingdom of Areulnia, once a land of peace and prosperity, has been ruled by cruel kings for centuries. The people of the land are lo...