In this excellent work on Christology, Douglas Webster demonstrates what can be done when one takes evangelical theology from a purely defensive stance to a creative, honest, and forward-looking criticism of modern theologies. His biblical seriousness and his pastoral concern make the book readable, stimulating, and edifying.
In this excellent work on Christology, Douglas Webster demonstrates what can be done when one takes evangelical theology from a purely defensive stanc...
Soulcraft: the art of discerning, applying and enjoying the wisdom of God in every aspect of life. There are many books on relationships, how to improve communication, resolve conflict, have more fun, get more serious. This book is not one of them. Rather, this is a special book that reveals how God makes us and molds us inot the people he wants us to be as we work and play and cry and laugh with each other in the daily grind of life. Proverbs tells us that "as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Similarly, this book explores how God uses other people to craft us and form our...
Soulcraft: the art of discerning, applying and enjoying the wisdom of God in every aspect of life. There are many books on relationships, how to impro...
It is easy to celebrate the mood of Christmas without Jesus. But it is impossible to celebrate the meaning of Christmas without Jesus. A Christmas Journey explores the meaning of God's movement toward us and our response to God's love. The message of Christmas can be summed up in four words: God sent his Son. The Gift we celebrate at Christmas was not wrapped, it was crucified. It was not under the tree, it was nailed to the tree, and it was not opened on Christmas day. it was opened on Easter morning. Doug Websterteaches pastoral theology at Beeson Divinity...
It is easy to celebrate the mood of Christmas without Jesus. But it is impossible to celebrate the meaning of Christmas without Jesus. A Christmas ...
Nothing does a better job of capturing the essence of Jesus' philosophy than the first eight verses of his Sermon on the Mount. These eight lines, known as the Beatitudes, summarize what it means to follow Jesus. They are the overture to Jesus' gospel symphony, introducing his distinctive rhythms of grace. If you want to know how your philosophy of life lines up with Jesus, these simple lines will show you. Listen to Jesus. Let his words fill your mind and heart. Explore what he meant-what he means, and then make up your own mind about Jesus. Let the Beatitudes by Jesus be the soundtrack...
Nothing does a better job of capturing the essence of Jesus' philosophy than the first eight verses of his Sermon on the Mount. These eight lines, kno...
Douglas Webster exposes the dangers of using marketing methods for evangelistic outreach and offers alternative ideas which are creative, powerful, and faithful to the gospel.
Douglas Webster exposes the dangers of using marketing methods for evangelistic outreach and offers alternative ideas which are creative, powerful, an...
The Gospel according to Jeremiah provides some of the best statements of hope and promise in all the Bible. Beyond his costly obedience and faithful endurance, he is the prophet of God's gracious promise.
The Gospel according to Jeremiah provides some of the best statements of hope and promise in all the Bible. Beyond his costly obedience and faithful e...
"Doug Webster's Text Messaging is one of the most compelling statements I have read on preaching the Gospel faithfully in a culture of change. Alive to the challenges every preacher faces in a world of evanescent meaning, Webster reminds us that the proclamation of the Word-what the world calls folly-is the wisdom of God. A book to be read and re-read by every pastor and every student of preaching." -- Timothy George, founding dean of Beeson Divinity School of Samford University and a senior editor of Christianity Today Douglas D. Webster (Ph.D., University of St....
"Doug Webster's Text Messaging is one of the most compelling statements I have read on preaching the Gospel faithfully in a culture of change...