In The Teachings of Don Juan and other bestselling books, anthropologist and spiritual traveler Carlos Castaneda shared with readers the sorcerer's teachings. Now he once again enlightens readers on the studies of Don Juan and reveals the remarkable spiritual adventures that can be attained through dreams.
In The Teachings of Don Juan and other bestselling books, anthropologist and spiritual traveler Carlos Castaneda shared with readers the sorcerer's te...
For us to perceive any of the worlds that exist beside our own, not only do we have to covet them but we need to have sufficient energy to seize them. In this revolutionary book, Carlos Castaneda offers readers the key to this energetic conditioning for the first time, revealing a series of body positions and physical movements that enabled various sorcerers, and their apprentices, to navigate their own sorceric journeys. By sharing this centuries-old wisdom, Carlos Castaneda makes it possible for readers to travel to some of these other realms, which are as real, unique, absolute, and...
For us to perceive any of the worlds that exist beside our own, not only do we have to covet them but we need to have sufficient energy to seize them....
El Arte de Ensonar, el noveno y mas reciente libro de Carlos Castaneda, aparece despues de un periodo de seis anos de silencio del autor."Don juan," escribe Carlos Castaneda en prologo, "era un intermediario entre el mundo natural de la vida diaria y un mundo invisible, uno que el no llamaba lo sobrenatural, sino la segunda atencion. Su tarea de maestro fue hacer accesible a mi esta configuracion. En mis trabajos previos, he descrito sus metodos de ensenanza, al igual que las praticas que me hizo ejercitar, la mas importante de las cuales fue sin duda, el arte de ensonar. Don juan sostenia...
El Arte de Ensonar, el noveno y mas reciente libro de Carlos Castaneda, aparece despues de un periodo de seis anos de silencio del autor."Don juan," e...
Some twenty years ago, anthropologist Carlos Castaneda electrified millions of readers by describing his initiation--under the Yaqui Indian brujoDon Juan--into an alternate reality. Now Taisha Abelar, who was taught by the female members of Don Juan's group, recounts her own "crossing" in this arresting book.
While traveling in Mexico, Abelar became involved with a group of sorcerers and began a rigorous physical and mental training process designed to enable her to breach the limits of ordinary perception. The Sorcerers Crossing details that process,...
Some twenty years ago, anthropologist Carlos Castaneda electrified millions of readers by describing his initiation--under the Yaqui Indian ...
This is the extraordinary account of Donner-Grau's experiences with dona Mercedes, an aged healer in a remote Venezuelan town known for its spiritualists, sorcerers, and mediums.
This is the extraordinary account of Donner-Grau's experiences with dona Mercedes, an aged healer in a remote Venezuelan town known for its spirituali...
In Journey to Ixtlan, Carlos Castaneda introduces readers to this new approach for the first time and explores, as he comes to experience it himself, his own final voyage into the teachings of don Juan, sharing with us what it is like to truly "stop the world" and perceive reality on his own terms.
Originally drawn to Yaqui Indian spiritual leader don Juan Matus for his knowledge of mind-altering plants, bestselling author Carlos Castaneda immersed himself in the sorcerer's magical world entirely. Ten years after his first encounter with the shaman, Castaneda examines his field...
In Journey to Ixtlan, Carlos Castaneda introduces readers to this new approach for the first time and explores, as he comes to experience it hi...
Millions of readers worldwide have treasured the visionary brilliance of Carlos Castaneda, who first explore the world of the Yaqui Indian sorcerer in The Teachings of don Juan. Now, at last, don Juan returns in The Power of Silence--wise, infuriating, capable or working miracles and playing practical jokes, but always seeking the wisdom of the warrior.
The Power of Silence is Castaneda's most astonishing book to date -- a brilliant flash of knowledge that illuminates the far reaches of the human mind. Through don Juan's mesmerizing stories, the true meaning of sorcery and...
Millions of readers worldwide have treasured the visionary brilliance of Carlos Castaneda, who first explore the world of the Yaqui Indian sorcerer in...
"A man of knowledge is free...he has no honor, no dignity, no family, no home, no country, but only life to be lived." --don Juan
In 1961 a young anthropologist subjected himself to an extraordinary apprenticeship to bring back a fascinating glimpse of a Yaqui Indian's world of "non-ordinary reality" and the difficult and dangerous road a man must travel to become "a man of knowledge." Yet on the bring of that world, challenging to all that we believe, he drew back. Then in 1968, Carlos Castaneda returned to Mexico, to don Juan and his hallucinogenic drugs, and to a world of...
"A man of knowledge is free...he has no honor, no dignity, no family, no home, no country, but only life to be lived." --don Juan
Fire from Within is the author's most brilliant thought-provoking and unusual book, one in which Castaneda, under the tutelage of don Juan and his "disciples," at last constructs, from the teachings of don Juan and his own experiences, a stunning portrait of the "sorcerer's world" that is crystal-clear and dizzying in its implications.
Each of Carlos Castaneda's books is a brilliant and tantalizing burst of illumination into the depths of our deepest mysteries, like a sudden flash of light, like a burst of lightning over the desert at night, which shows us a world that is both...
Fire from Within is the author's most brilliant thought-provoking and unusual book, one in which Castaneda, under the tutelage of don Juan and ...
Carlos Castaneda takes the reader into the very heart of sorcery, challenging both imagination and reason, shaking the very foundations of our belief in what is "natural" and "logical."
His landscape is full of terrors and mysterious forces, as sharply etched as a flash of lightning on the deserts and mountains where don Juan takes him to pursue the sorcerer's knowledge--the knowledge that it is the Eagle that gives us, at our births, a spark of awareness, that it expects to reclaim at the end of our lives and which the sorcerer, through his discipline, fights to retain. Castaneda...
Carlos Castaneda takes the reader into the very heart of sorcery, challenging both imagination and reason, shaking the very foundations of our belief ...