A man who married young, and so never had the chance to sow his wild oats, suddenly breaks out when in his mid-thirties--and becomes convinced he has stumbled on the secret of happiness.
A man who married young, and so never had the chance to sow his wild oats, suddenly breaks out when in his mid-thirties--and becomes convinced he has ...
Two women looking back over fifty years: one full of regret, the other not admitting to mistakes and continuing to be fiercely positive. Which approach, in the end, is likely to prove more satisfying--both for Daisy herself and for those who live around her?
Two women looking back over fifty years: one full of regret, the other not admitting to mistakes and continuing to be fiercely positive. Which approac...
A love story between men--without being, basically, a novel about gay issues; more about appreciating what you have while you have it, and ultimately learning what matters to you in life.
A love story between men--without being, basically, a novel about gay issues; more about appreciating what you have while you have it, and ultimately ...
The story of a father and son--and is it true, as Wordsworth claimed, that "the child is father of the man" or can one's character actually change as one grows older?
The story of a father and son--and is it true, as Wordsworth claimed, that "the child is father of the man" or can one's character actually change as ...
A vicar is disbelieving when two teenagers in his parish claim to have been given a message by the archangel Gabriel, but gradually changes his mind and decides he must do something about it.
A vicar is disbelieving when two teenagers in his parish claim to have been given a message by the archangel Gabriel, but gradually changes his mind a...
Two men are involved in a car crash: Brad dies, and Danny--who can't stand the thought of living without him--kills himself, convinced that with so little time having elapsed between their deaths, he'll be able to catch up to Brad on his way to Judgment. The novel becomes a modern Pilgrim's Progress, detailing the tests inseparable from a journey through purgatory.
Two men are involved in a car crash: Brad dies, and Danny--who can't stand the thought of living without him--kills himself, convinced that with so li...