Abstracts of the only surviving court records for the early years of Monongalia County derived from the District Court which served Monongalia, Harrison, Randolph, and Ohio counties, and the surrounding counties. The cases deal predominantly with civil ma
Abstracts of the only surviving court records for the early years of Monongalia County derived from the District Court which served Monongalia, Harris...
The court records presented in this book involve land disputes; crimes such as theft or assault; inheritance disputes; appointment of officials such as surveyors or overseers of the poor; granting of business licensees; adoptions; payment of debts; incide
The court records presented in this book involve land disputes; crimes such as theft or assault; inheritance disputes; appointment of officials such a...
The court records presented in this book involve land disputes; crimes such as theft or assault; inheritance disputes; appointment of officials such as surveyors or overseers of the poor; granting of business licensees; adoptions; payment of debts; incide
The court records presented in this book involve land disputes; crimes such as theft or assault; inheritance disputes; appointment of officials such a...
In 1778, Monongalia County, (West) Virginia, was formed from a portion of the western part of Augusta County, Virginia, and in 1779 and 1780 small portions of West Augusta were annexed to Monongalia County. This tenth book in a popular series transcribes
In 1778, Monongalia County, (West) Virginia, was formed from a portion of the western part of Augusta County, Virginia, and in 1779 and 1780 small por...
The court records presented in this book involve land disputes; crimes such as theft or assault; inheritance disputes; appointment of officials such as surveyors or overseers of the poor; granting of business licensees; adoptions; payment of debts; incide
The court records presented in this book involve land disputes; crimes such as theft or assault; inheritance disputes; appointment of officials such a...