This is a highly original book about the connections between historical moment, social structure, technology, communication systems, and what is said and thought using these systems - notably literature. The author focuses on the differences between 'discourse networks' in 1800 and in 1900, in the process developing a new analysis of the shift from romanticism to modernism. The work might be classified as a German equivalent to the New Historicism that is currently of great interest among American literary scholars, both in the intellectual influences to which Kittler responds and in his...
This is a highly original book about the connections between historical moment, social structure, technology, communication systems, and what is said ...
Toward the end of the nineteenth century, the hegemony of the printed word was shattered by the arrival of new media technologies that offered novel ways of communicating and storing data. Previously, writing had operated by way of symbolic mediation--all data had to pass through the needle's eye of the written signifier--but phonography, photography, and cinematography stored physical effects of the real in the shape of sound waves and light. The entire question of referentiality had to be recast in light of these new media technologies; in addition, the use of the typewriter changed the...
Toward the end of the nineteenth century, the hegemony of the printed word was shattered by the arrival of new media technologies that offered nove...
Die Beitrage dieses Bandes lenken den Blick auf einen blinden Fleck universitarer Selbsterkenntnis: auf die von aussen diktierten Bedingungen, denen zumal die Geisteswissenschaften stets unterliegen, ohne sich daruber Rechenschaft abzulegen. Konigliche Erlasse, institutionelle Praktiken, wechselnde technische Standards regulieren die Zugange zu den Gegenstanden und Erkenntnissen von Philosophen, Psychologen, Philologen, Sprachen, Paradigmen, Adressatenund Ubertragungsgeschwindigkeiten des Wissens liegen ausserhalb professoraler Souveranitaten. Die in ganz unterschiedliche historische...
Die Beitrage dieses Bandes lenken den Blick auf einen blinden Fleck universitarer Selbsterkenntnis: auf die von aussen diktierten Bedingungen, denen z...