PREFACE AMONG many companions in these accidents who are not named in the text, lest the book should become a string of names, I have to thank five especially because they have allowed me to use photographs taken when we were together. These are Mr. AIison V. Armour, owner of the Utowana, Mr, Richard Norton, a comrade during the cruise of that yacht and at Siut and in Syria, Messrs. A. W. Van Buren and C. D. Curtis, members of the yachting party, and Mr. 3. A. R. Munro, who endured many things with me in Asia Minor in 1891. Four others, Dr. A. C. Headlam, who was the third of Sir W. M....
PREFACE AMONG many companions in these accidents who are not named in the text, lest the book should become a string of names, I have to thank five es...
The distinguished archaeologist David G. Hogarth (1862 1927) excavated in Cyprus, Egypt, Greece and Asia Minor over the course of his career. He wrote books about his excavations and travels to bring archaeology to a popular audience. His A Wandering Scholar in the Levant (1896; also reissued in this series) was described by T. E. Lawrence as 'one of the best travel books ever written'. Hogarth later became president of the Royal Geographical Society, and Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, from 1908 to 1927. This work, first published in 1889, describes his travels around Cyprus in the...
The distinguished archaeologist David G. Hogarth (1862 1927) excavated in Cyprus, Egypt, Greece and Asia Minor over the course of his career. He wrote...