Published since 1953, Advances in Virus Research covers a diverse range of in-depth reviews providing a valuable overview of the current field of virology. The impact factor for 2009 is 5.522 placing it 2nd in the highly competitive category of virology.
Contributions from leading authorities
Informs and updates on all the latest developments in the field
Published since 1953, Advances in Virus Research covers a diverse range of in-depth reviews providing a valuable overview of the current fie...
Rapid developments continue to take place in the research of viruses, the causative agents of infectious diseases in humans, animals, plants, invertebrates, protozoa, fungi, and bacteria. A still growing number of more than 30,000 viruses, virus strains, and subtypes are being tracked in various specialty laboratories and culture collections. In this situation of expansion and specialization, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses was founded to establish, refine and maintain a universal virus taxonomy system giving information to virologists about the characteristics of the...
Rapid developments continue to take place in the research of viruses, the causative agents of infectious diseases in humans, animals, plants, inverteb...
those who deal with infectious diseases on a daily This two volume work stems from the belief of the Editors that infectious diseases are not only very basis. much with us today but, more importantly, that they There are several excellent textbooks dealing will continue to playa significant global role in mor with medical microbiology, and there are equally bidity and mortality in all people. A continuing need well-recognized books devoted to infectious dis for an informed and knowledgeable community of eases. The Editors of this work, on the other hand, were persuaded that there was a need...
those who deal with infectious diseases on a daily This two volume work stems from the belief of the Editors that infectious diseases are not only ver...
The first review series in virology and published since 1953, Advances in Virus Research covers a diverse range of in-depth reviews, providing a valuable overview of the field. The series of eclectic volumes are valuable resources to virologists, microbiologists, immunologists, molecular biologists, pathologists, and plant researchers.
Volume 89 features articles on topics including plant-based vaccines, transmission of arthropod-borne viruses by mosquitoes, arboviruses in domestic and wild animals, and more.
Contributions from leading...
The first review series in virology and published since 1953, Advances in Virus Research covers a diverse range of in-depth reviews, providi...
The first review series in virology and published since 1953, Advances in Virus Research covers a diverse range of in-depth reviews, providing a valuable overview of the field.
Contributions from leading authorities
Comprehensive reviews for general and specialist use
First and longest-running review series in virology
The first review series in virology and published since 1953, Advances in Virus Research covers a diverse range of in-depth reviews, providi...
Christopher Burrell Colin Howard Frederick A. Murphy
Fenner and White's Medical Virology, Fifth Edition provides an integrated view of related sciences, from cell biology, to medical epidemiology and human social behavior. The perspective represented by this book, that of medical virology as an infectious disease science, is meant to provide a starting point, an anchor, for those who must relate the subject to clinical practice, public health practice, scholarly research, and other endeavors.
The book presents detailed exposition on the properties of viruses, how viruses replicate, and how viruses cause disease. These chapters...
Fenner and White's Medical Virology, Fifth Edition provides an integrated view of related sciences, from cell biology, to medical epidemiolo...