Africa Development Indicators 2012/13 is the most detailed collection of data on Africa. It contains macroeconomic, sectoral, and social indicators for 53 countries. A companion CD-ROM has additional data, with some 1,700 indicators covering 1961-2010. -Basic indicators -National and fiscal accounts -External accounts and exchange rates -Millennium Development Goals -Private sector development -Trade and regional integration -Infrastructure -Human development -Agriculture, rural development, and the environment -Labor, migration, and population -HIV/AIDS and malaria -Capable states and...
Africa Development Indicators 2012/13 is the most detailed collection of data on Africa. It contains macroeconomic, sectoral, and social indicators fo...
The popular grievances that have fueled the Arab Spring since 2010 demonstrate that past development paradigms have failed to achieve the inclusive and sustainable growth expected by Arab populations. Countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region have failed to develop a strong private sector that is linked with global markets, survives without state assistance, and generates productive employment for young people. One key symptom of this maldevelopment is that, with the exception of the petroleum sector, MENA remains the least trade-integrated region in the world. The Deauville...
The popular grievances that have fueled the Arab Spring since 2010 demonstrate that past development paradigms have failed to achieve the inclusive an...
COMPLETELY REVISED AND UPDATED Published in association with Harper Collins, the completely revised and updated fourth edition of the Atlas of Global Development is a comprehensive guide to the most critical issues facing our changing world today. A visual guide to global issues easy-to-read graphical presentation with every topic presented by colorful world maps, tables, graphs, and photographs Topics that are shaping our world key development indicators, from poverty, population growth, and food production to climate change, foreign direct investment, and international trade The latest,...
COMPLETELY REVISED AND UPDATED Published in association with Harper Collins, the completely revised and updated fourth edition of the Atlas of Global ...
The Little Data Book on Gender in Africa 2012/13 provides a summary collection of gender statistics on Africa available in one volume. It contains 60 indicators, covering 53 African countries. Additional data may be found on the companion CD-ROM or online, covering about 1,700 indicators from 1961 to 2011. Key themes are: Basic demographic indicators Education Health Labor force and wages Women s empowerment. Designed to provide all those interested in Africa with quick reference and a reliable set of data to monitor development programs and aid flows in the region, this is an invaluable...
The Little Data Book on Gender in Africa 2012/13 provides a summary collection of gender statistics on Africa available in one volume. It contains 60 ...
International Debt Statistics (IDS) 2013 is a continuation of the World Bank's publications Global Development Finance, Volume II (1997 through 2009) and the earlier World Debt Tables (1973 through 1996). IDS 2013 provides statistical tables showing the external debt of 128 developing countries that report public and publicly guaranteed external debt to the World Bank's Debtor Reporting System (DRS). It also includes tables of key debt ratios for individual reporting countries and the composition of external debt stocks and flows for individual reporting countries and regional and income...
International Debt Statistics (IDS) 2013 is a continuation of the World Bank's publications Global Development Finance, Volume II (1997 through 2009) ...
Income and asset disclosure systems (IAD) are gaining prominence as a tool in the fight against corruption, and have the potential to support efforts in both prevention and enforcement. They are intended to prevent and help detect the use of public office for private gain, and to help build a climate of integrity in public administration by detecting and helping officials avoid potential conflicts of interest. The potential for IAD systems to contribute to broader anticorruption efforts--such as national and international financial investigations and prosecutions, international asset recovery...
Income and asset disclosure systems (IAD) are gaining prominence as a tool in the fight against corruption, and have the potential to support efforts ...
Impact evaluation has grown more popular as a method for identifying the causal links between interventions and outcomes. These kind of evaluations assess changes that can be attributed to a particular intervention. Both innovations in statistical methods and the demand for evaluations that can measure such development results are increasing. The World Bank Group is the largest producer of impact evaluations among all development institutions. Thus, IEG has evaluated the relevance, quality, and influence of World Bank and IFC impact evaluations. IEG finds that the World Bank Group portfolio...
Impact evaluation has grown more popular as a method for identifying the causal links between interventions and outcomes. These kind of evaluations as...
The past 25 years have witnessed unprecedented changes around the world many of them for the better. Across the continents, many countries have embarked on a path of international integration, economic reform, technological modernization, and democratic participation. As a result, economies that had been stagnant for decades are growing, people whose families had suffered deprivation for generations are escaping poverty, and hundreds of millions are enjoying the benefits of improved living standards and scientific and cultural sharing across nations. As the world changes, a host of...
The past 25 years have witnessed unprecedented changes around the world many of them for the better. Across the continents, many countries have embark...
Financial inclusion has become a major subject of interest among policymakers, researchers, and other financial sector stakeholders. Many countries, for example, have recently adopted explicit financial inclusion strategies with targets for financial inclusion. The interest reflects an increased recognition that financial inclusion can be a driver of economic growth and poverty alleviation, and that many individuals and firms are excluded unnecessarily from even basic financial services. About half of the world s adult population more than 2.5 billion people have no bank account is one...
Financial inclusion has become a major subject of interest among policymakers, researchers, and other financial sector stakeholders. Many countries, f...
The unprecedented progress of East Asia Pacifi c is a triumph of working people. Countries that were low-income a generation ago successfully integrated into the global value chain, exploiting their labor-cost advantage. In 1990, the region held about one-third of the world's labor force. Leveraging this comparative advantage, the share of global GDP of emerging economies in East Asia Pacific grew from 7 percent in 1992 to 17 percent in 2011. Yet the region now fi nds itself at a critical juncture. Work and its contribution to growth and well-being can no longer be taken for granted. Labor's...
The unprecedented progress of East Asia Pacifi c is a triumph of working people. Countries that were low-income a generation ago successfully integrat...