"For description and defense of the narrative configurations of everyday life, and of the practical and social character of those narratives, there is no better treatment than Time, Narrative, and History.... a clear, judicious, and truthful account, provocative from beginning to end." Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology
..". a superior work of philosophy that tells a unique and insightful story about narrative." Quarterly Journal of Speech
"For description and defense of the narrative configurations of everyday life, and of the practical and social character of those narratives, there...
This collection aims to explore different conceptions of epistemological inquiry and their influence on pedagogy and the curricular content of primary and secondary education. It is arguable that curriculum policy makers have continued to subscribe to a foundationalist paradigm of rational educational planning. This is, however, considered largely untenable by educational philosophers in light of the impact of 'postmodern' philsophical critiques on the notions of objectivity, truth and authority in our claims for knowledge. This volume fills a major gap in the current literature of...
This collection aims to explore different conceptions of epistemological inquiry and their influence on pedagogy and the curricular content of primary...
The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology, Husserl's last great work, is important both for its content and for the influence it has had on other philosophers. In this book, which remained unfinished at his death, Husserl attempts to forge a union between phenomenology and existentialism. Husserl provides not only a history of philosophy but a philosophy of history. As he says in Part I, "The genuine spiritual struggles of European humanity as such take the form of struggles between the philosophies, that is, between the skeptical philosophies--or...
The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology, Husserl's last great work, is important both for its content and for the infl...