Playback is the first book to place the fascinating history of sound reproduction within its larger social, economic, and cultural context-and includes appearances by everyone from Thomas Edison to Enrico Caruso to Dick Clark to Grandmaster Flash to Napster CEO Shawn Fanning. In a narrative that begins with Edison's cylinder and ends with digital music, the ubiquitous iPod, and the file-sharing wars, this is a history we have all experienced in one way or another. From the Victrola, the 78, the 45, and the 33 1/3 to the 8-track, cassette, compact disc, DAT, and MP3, the story of Playback is...
Playback is the first book to place the fascinating history of sound reproduction within its larger social, economic, and cultural context-and include...
This book covers what you need to know about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Both individuals and small business owners will discover (1) how easy it will be to purchase health insurance over the internet, by way of the Public Exchange (2) how to get subsidies from the federal government to help reduce their premium costs (3) and how to get free assistance completing the application from Navigators. The real surprise will be when you discover that all health plans sold on the Public Exchanges are comprehensive plans that contain ten essential benefits...
This book covers what you need to know about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Both individuals and small business o...
This book is designed to cover Medicare as we know it today, but it was a different animal when it was created in 1965. We are going to take a journey back in time to learn why Congress passed this controversial health insurance law and what role this federal mandate plays for older and younger Americans. As this book unfolds the truth about Medicare and its' many mysteries, you just might discover something about yourself that is more important than how you feel about this program and the controversies surrounding it.
This book is designed to cover Medicare as we know it today, but it was a different animal when it was created in 1965. We are going to take a journey...
This book will help you understand and appreciate the subjects and materials you need to pass the state insurance licensing examination. It is strictly designed for test preparation and review. I have worked to bring together as much information as possible about state insurance licensing examinations - in a clear and concise manner.
This book will help you understand and appreciate the subjects and materials you need to pass the state insurance licensing examination. It is strictl...