We all know bin Laden. Jack Mulcahey of the FBI knew him better. Jack and his sidekick Jimmy track down our single most deadly enemy since Hitler, all the time being stymied by apathy and an unwillingness to believe the extent of Fundamental Muslim hate for the west. Come along for a wild ride that takes you from the first Trade center bombings in '93 to the outrageous plot where bin Laden and Saddam Hussein join forces after the tragic events of 9/ll, to lay waste to America using 'dirty' bombs.
The search for Al-Qa'ida and the culmination of terror is interwoven with unbelievable facts,...
We all know bin Laden. Jack Mulcahey of the FBI knew him better. Jack and his sidekick Jimmy track down our single most deadly enemy since Hitler, all...
Present oil prices are destroying the economies of Iran and Russia. Is this what happens when we push two of our biggest enemies to a breaking point? We can only wait and see but. should it happen, how could we possibly fight 3 million men and machines on their soil. If the Russians step in and help nuclear options are off the table, Closing the busiest sea route for oil will cause a spike that could destroy the faltering World economy and enable the Russians to make $billions. We have to stop them and this may be the only option. The best trained soldiers in the world in lightning...
Present oil prices are destroying the economies of Iran and Russia. Is this what happens when we push two of our biggest enemies to a breaking poin...