Organic substances returned to the soil by plants, animals and microorganisms go through biochemical cycles and subcycles that provide essential media for the growth of plants in the soil. These cycles involve numerous, complicated and interdependent chemical reactions. Many books have been written to describe the genesis, the nature and the reactions of soil organic matter and have contributed much to organizing parts of the knowledge about soil organic matter. Each book is an important contribution but none has duplicated any of the others to any great extent; each has developed essential...
Organic substances returned to the soil by plants, animals and microorganisms go through biochemical cycles and subcycles that provide essential media...
The major components of most soils are inorganic. These constituents are derived from the weathering of rocks and minerals or from subsequent reaetions and interactions of the weathering products. During the weathering and interactions of weathering products, in organic soil colloids are formed. Large amounts of inorganic colloids are essential in soils if they are to support luxurious plant growth. The colloids adsorb water and nutrient element s that might be lost from the soil &ystem and they release these as plants need them. They also adsorb and buffer the soil system against large...
The major components of most soils are inorganic. These constituents are derived from the weathering of rocks and minerals or from subsequent reaetion...