This book, an outgrowth of the authors lectures at the University of California at Berkeley, is intended as a textbook for a one-semester course in basic ring theory. The material covered includes the Wedderburn-Artin theory of semisimple rings, Jacobsons theory of the radical, representation theory of groups and algebras, prime and semiprime rings, local and semilocal rings, perfect and semiperfect rings, etc. By aiming the level of writing at the novice rather than the connoisseur and by stressing the role of examples and motivation, the author has produced a text that is suitable not only...
This book, an outgrowth of the authors lectures at the University of California at Berkeley, is intended as a textbook for a one-semester course in ba...
This useful book, which grew out of the author's lectures at Berkeley, presents some 400 exercises of varying degrees of difficulty in classical ring theory, together with complete solutions, background information, historical commentary, bibliographic details, and indications of possible improvements or generalizations. The book should be especially helpful to graduate students as a model of the problem-solving process and an illustration of the applications of different theorems in ring theory. The author also discusses "the folklore of the subject: the tricks of the trade' in ring theory,...
This useful book, which grew out of the author's lectures at Berkeley, presents some 400 exercises of varying degrees of difficulty in classical ring ...