Written by Caleb Finch, one of the leading scientists of our time, The Biology of Human Longevity: Inflammation, Nutrition, and Aging in the Evolution of Lifespans synthesizes several decades of top research on the topic of human aging and longevity particularly on the recent theories of inflammation and its effects on human health. The book expands a number of existing major theories, including the Barker theory of fetal origins of adult disease to consider the role of inflammation and Harmon's free radical theory of aging to include inflammatory damage. Future increases in lifespan...
Written by Caleb Finch, one of the leading scientists of our time, The Biology of Human Longevity: Inflammation, Nutrition, and Aging in the Evolut...
In this third volume on longevity Fondation Ipsen has again collected the most recent results in research on genes and diet in the evolution of human longevity, educational level and longevity, cognitive impairment and survival at older age and other contributions. The preponderance of relatively short - compared to long-lived organisms suggests that morphogenesis is easier to accomplish than is maintenace of soma, whereas the broad range of longevities of organisms demonstrates that maintaining soma for extended periods of time is possible. The underlying assumption of "disposable soma"...
In this third volume on longevity Fondation Ipsen has again collected the most recent results in research on genes and diet in the evolution of human ...
Aging is one of those subjects that many biologists feel is largely unknown. Therefore, they often feel comfortable offering extremely facile generalizations that are either unsupported or directly refuted in the experimental literature. Despite this unfortunate precedent, aging is a very broad phenomenon that calls out for integration beyond the mere collecting together of results from disparate laboratory organisms. With this in mind, Part One offers several different synthetic perspectives. The editors, Rose and Finch, provide a verbal synthesis of the field that deliberately attempts to...
Aging is one of those subjects that many biologists feel is largely unknown. Therefore, they often feel comfortable offering extremely facile generali...