Charles P., Jr. Poole Horacio A. Farach Richard J. Creswick
The field of superconductivity has tremendous potential for growth and further development in industrial applications. The subject continues to occupy physicists, chemists, and engineers interested in both the phenomena itself and possible financially viable industrial devices utilizing the physical concepts. For the past five years, within the publications of the American Physical Society, for example, 40%-60% of all articles submitted to major journals in the area of Solid State Physics have been on the subject of superconductivity, including the newer, extremely important subfield of high...
The field of superconductivity has tremendous potential for growth and further development in industrial applications. The subject continues to occupy...
A compilation of the theory and state-of-the-art experimental methods, instruments, and data on electron spin resonance. This volume covers electron nuclear double resonance, computer techniques, and tables of constants.
A compilation of the theory and state-of-the-art experimental methods, instruments, and data on electron spin resonance. This volume covers electron n...
In the first volume, Professors Poole and Farach provided one of the first definitive reference tools for this field. In this second volume, the authors present a comprehensive source for subfields of ESR not covered in the first volume, including: * Sensitivity * Field Swept versus Frequency Swept Spectra * Resonators * Line Shapes * Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation * Hamiltonian types and symmetries * ESR Imaging * High Magnetic Fields and High Frequencies. Written by recognized experts in the field, and intended for students and researchers, these handbooks bring together...
In the first volume, Professors Poole and Farach provided one of the first definitive reference tools for this field. In this second volume, the autho...