The Second Edition of this critically-acclaimed text continues the standard of excellence set in the first edition by providing a thorough introduction to the fundamentals of telecommunication networks without bogging you down in complex technical jargon or math. Although focusing on the basics, the book has been thoroughly updated with the latest advances in the field, including a new chapter on metropolitan area networks (MANs) and new sections on Mobile Fi, ZigBee and ultrawideband. You'll learn which choices are now available to an organization, how to evaluate them and how to...
The Second Edition of this critically-acclaimed text continues the standard of excellence set in the first edition by providing a thorough intr...
Step-by-step tutorial to master current design techniques for wireless communication systems
The Third Edition of Radio System Design for Telecommunications brings this highly acclaimed book fully up to date with the latest technological advances and new applications. At the same time, the hallmarks of the previous editions, including the text's popular tutorial presentation, have been retained. Readers therefore get all the tools and guidance they need to master an essential set of current design techniques for radio systems that operate at frequencies of 3 MHz to 100...
Step-by-step tutorial to master current design techniques for wireless communication systems