This seventeenth volume of ABHB (Annual bibliography of the history of the printed book and libraries) contains 4239 records, selected from some 2000 periodicals, the list of which follows this introduction. They have been compiled by the National Committees of the following countries: Arab countries Latin America Luxembourg Australia Austria The Netherlands Norway Belgium Bulgaria Poland Portugal Canada Denmark Rumania South Africa Finland France Spain German Democratic Republic Sweden German Federal Republic Switzerland Great Britain Turkey Hungary USA Iran USSR Ireland (Republic of)...
This seventeenth volume of ABHB (Annual bibliography of the history of the printed book and libraries) contains 4239 records, selected from some 2000 ...
In de wereld van het oude en zeldzame boek en In the world of Bibliography and old and rare van de bibliografie is de naam Martinus Nijhoff books the name Nijhoff is a famous one mainly bekend, voornamelijk om twee redenen. In de for two reasol1S. In the first place it refers to the old-established Dutch publisher of works about eerste plaats als de gevestigde uitgever van werken betreffende de nationale geschiedenis en typogra- national history and typography. Its Monuments ty- fie. De Monuments typographiqlles des Pays Bas all quin- pographiques de$ Pays Bas au quillzieme siede (1856-1868),...
In de wereld van het oude en zeldzame boek en In the world of Bibliography and old and rare van de bibliografie is de naam Martinus Nijhoff books the ...