These notes constitute a faithful record of a short course of lectures given in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in the summer of 1968. The audience was assumed to be familiar with the basic material of homology and homotopy theory, and the object of the course was to explain the methodology of general cohomology theory and to give applications of K-theory to familiar problems such as that of the existence of real division algebras. The audience was not assumed to be sophisticated in homological algebra, so one chapter is devoted to an elementary exposition of exact couples and spectral sequences."
These notes constitute a faithful record of a short course of lectures given in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in the summer of 1968. The audience was assumed to ...
Since the introduction of homotopy groups by Hurewicz in 1935, homotopy theory has occupied a prominent place in the development of algebraic topology.
Since the introduction of homotopy groups by Hurewicz in 1935, homotopy theory has occupied a prominent place in the development of algebraic topology...
THIS book, like its predecessors in the same series, is in- tended primarily to serve the needs of the university student in the physical sciences. However, it begins where a really elementary treatment of the differential calculus (e. g., Dif- ferential Calculus, t in this series) leaves off. The study of physical phenomena inevitably leads to the consideration of functions of more than one variable and their rates of change; the same is also true of the study of statistics, economics, and sociology. The mathematical ideas involved are des- cribed in this book, and only the student familiar...
THIS book, like its predecessors in the same series, is in- tended primarily to serve the needs of the university student in the physical sciences. Ho...
THIS book is intended to provide the university student in the physical sciences with information about the differential calculus which he is likely to need. The techniques described are presented with due regard for their theoretical basis; but the emphasis is on detailed discussion of the ideas of the differ- ential calculus and on the avoidance of false statements rather than on complete proofs of all results. It is a frequent experi- ence of the university lecturer that science students 'know how to differentiate', but are less confident when asked to say 'what ix means'. It is with the...
THIS book is intended to provide the university student in the physical sciences with information about the differential calculus which he is likely t...