Angels for All is the story of a determined young woman who begins married life on a sharecrop farm. When the Great Depression hits, her husband, goes away to work, leaving Ollie on the farm with two babies. She wears a pistol every day and sleeps with a shotgun by the bed to guard against predators, both human and animal. In Angels For All Ollie believes in premonitions sent by guardian angels, but has no warning of hardships to come with drought and The Great Depression. Roy and Ollie start married life striving for a better future and a place of their own....
Angels for All is the story of a determined young woman who begins married life on a sharecrop farm. When the Great Depression hits, her...
Ollie and Roy work hard toward a good home, but year after year, as drought destroys crops, and doctor bills arrive, Roy goes to other states to find work so they can pay the mortgage and survive. Ollie and the children work the farm, plowing and harvesting, while he is away. Book 3 of the Ollie's Angel Series
Ollie and Roy work hard toward a good home, but year after year, as drought destroys crops, and doctor bills arrive, Roy goes to other states to find ...
Ollie and Roy work hard toward a good home, but year after year, as drought destroys crops, and doctor bills arrive, Roy goes to other states to find work so they can pay the mortgage and survive. Ollie and the children work the farm, plowing and harvesting, while he is away. Book 3 of the Ollie's Angel Series
Ollie and Roy work hard toward a good home, but year after year, as drought destroys crops, and doctor bills arrive, Roy goes to other states to find ...