What is your faith built on? Is it firmly grounded on biblical truth or do you rely on the insights of your pastor or the beliefs of your family? Paul warned the Ephesians to not be blown around by various teachings but to study and remain unified in the faith and teachings of Jesus. "Foundation and Pillars of the Christian Faith" is a compilation of Bible texts and Spirit of Prophecy quotes that seeks to keep you grounded in the Word of God and the prophets to protect you against unbiblical doctrines, just as Paul urged. The book focuses on foundational Bible truths such as the new covenant,...
What is your faith built on? Is it firmly grounded on biblical truth or do you rely on the insights of your pastor or the beliefs of your family? Paul...
Sobre que esta edificada tu fe? Esta firmemente fundada en verdad biblica, o dependes tu de las ideas de tu pastor o las creencias de tu familia? El apostol Pablo advirtio a los efesios a no ser llevados por las varias ensenanzas, sino a estudiar y quedar unificados en la fe y ensenanzas de Jesus. "Fundamento y Pilares de la Fe Cristiana" es una compilacion de textos biblicos y citas del Espiritu de Profecia que busca mantenerte conectado a la Palabra de Dios y los profetas para protegerte contra doctrinas no biblicas, asi como Pablo instaba. El libro enfoca en las verdades biblicas...
Sobre que esta edificada tu fe? Esta firmemente fundada en verdad biblica, o dependes tu de las ideas de tu pastor o las creencias de tu familia? El a...