Associative and Endophytic Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria and Cyanobacterial Associations This book is part of the seven-volume series that was launched a few years ago with the ambitious objectives of reviewing the field of nitrogen fixation from its earliest beginnings through the millennium change and of consolidating the relevant information - from fundamental to agricultural and environmental aspects all in one place. Volume 5 covers the biology of bacteria that associate with n- leguminous plants. The subject matter includes a wide range of associations; it covers the bacterial species that...
Associative and Endophytic Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria and Cyanobacterial Associations This book is part of the seven-volume series that was launched a f...
This book is the self-contained fourth volume of a seven-volume comprehensive series on nitrogen fixation. The outstanding aspect of this book is the integration of basic and applied work on biological nitrogen fixation in the fields of agriculture, forestry, and ecology in general. Nowadays, the concept of sustainability, which originated in agriculture and land use, is reaching many other areas of society and industry. Sustainability has a major part to play in the global challenge of continued development of regions, countries, and continents all around the World and biological nitrogen...
This book is the self-contained fourth volume of a seven-volume comprehensive series on nitrogen fixation. The outstanding aspect of this book is t...
Nitrogen-fixing Actinorhizal Symbioses This book is part of a seven-volume series that was launched in 2004 and covers all aspects of nitrogen fixation from the biological systems to the industrial processes. Volume 6 covers nitrogen-fixing actinorhizal symbioses, which occur between soil actinomycetes of the genus Frankia and a diverse group of dicotyledonous plants, collectively called actinorhizal plants. These symbioses play vital roles in native ecosystems as well as important components in both forestry and land reclamation. The volume is divided into 11 chapters, all authored by...
Nitrogen-fixing Actinorhizal Symbioses This book is part of a seven-volume series that was launched in 2004 and covers all aspects of nitrogen fixatio...
In retrospect, it was obvious that we were both, quite inde pendently, contemplating a conference on the role of molybdenum in biology and related chemistry. At the time though, the meeting of minds on this matter was quite surprising. Although this subject has been treated in previous meetings within the overall context of, say, magnetic resonance or nitrogen fixation, it was apparent to us both that research in molybdenum-containing enzymes and molyb denum chemistry had progressed rapidly in the last several years. Jointly, we decided to organize the first meeting on Molybdenum Chemistry of...
In retrospect, it was obvious that we were both, quite inde pendently, contemplating a conference on the role of molybdenum in biology and related che...
This Symposium, held August 4-10, 1985 on the campus of Oregon State University in Corvallis, is the sixth of a series of international symposia concerned with broad aspects of the fixation of nitrogen gas by biological and chemical means. The first symposium of this series was held in Pullman, Washington (1974), the second in Salamanca, Spain (1976), the third in Madison, Wisconsin (1978), the fourth in Canberra, Australia (1980) and the fifth in Noordwij~erhout, The Netherlands (1983). Prior to the organization of these symposia, small groups of usually no more than 10 or 12 of the now "old...
This Symposium, held August 4-10, 1985 on the campus of Oregon State University in Corvallis, is the sixth of a series of international symposia conce...