This book brings together an internationally respected group of researchers for the purpose of examining neuroplasticity, a topic of immense current interest in psychology, neuroscience, neuropsychology, and clinical neurology. The chapters represent state-of-the-art work on neuroplasticity at all levels: behavioral, neural, and molecular. They describe recent work on memory ranging from cellular morphological studies in invertebrates to research on the human brain made possible by new advances in neuroimaging technology. The book begins with an introductory chapter that considers the...
This book brings together an internationally respected group of researchers for the purpose of examining neuroplasticity, a topic of immense current i...
This edited volume summarizes recent findings of leading researchers investigating the brain systems that underlie memory. The book reviews recent progress in understanding forms of memory in animals and humans and the interaction of cortical and subcortical systems in the regulation of memory. Special emphasis is given to the development of neural network models that attempt to link cells to systems in the representation of memory. The book will be an invaluable source for cognitive psychologists, neuroscientists, and students interested in this active and exciting area of research.
This edited volume summarizes recent findings of leading researchers investigating the brain systems that underlie memory. The book reviews recent pro...
We are approaching the end of the first century of attempts to discover how the brain enables us to acquire, retain, and use information based on experience. The past several decades especially have witnessed an ever accelerating pace of research. This increase is due in large part to the development of new techniques for the analysis of brain and behavior. But, to a greater extent, these advances have been fueled by some seminal findings and the accumulation of knowledge based on systematic inquiry in many laboratories around the world. This important volume, authored by internationally...
We are approaching the end of the first century of attempts to discover how the brain enables us to acquire, retain, and use information based on expe...
Most of us remember where we were and what we were doing on September 11, 2001. Why do most experiences leave little trace while some--even terrible ordeals that people wish they could forget--leave memories that last a lifetime? That is the mystery at the heart of this book.
Drawing on fascinating research and case studies, James McGaugh, a distinguished neuroscientist, reveals that the key to understanding how memories are created may well be understanding how they are lost. He shows that lasting memories are not stored instantly. Why the delay? The author explains how the slow...
Most of us remember where we were and what we were doing on September 11, 2001. Why do most experiences leave little trace while some--even terrible o...
Most of us remember where we were and what we were doing on September 11, 2001. Why do most experiences leave little trace while some--even terrible ordeals that people wish they could forget--leave memories that last a lifetime? That is the mystery at the heart of this book.
Drawing on fascinating research and case studies, James McGaugh, a distinguished neuroscientist, reveals that the key to understanding how memories are created may well be understanding how they are lost. He shows that lasting memories are not stored instantly. Why the delay? The author explains how the slow...
Most of us remember where we were and what we were doing on September 11, 2001. Why do most experiences leave little trace while some--even terrible o...
Catalyzed by the development of new neurobiological and behavioral techniques as well as new conceptual and theoretical approaches to the study of the relationship between brain and behavior, research exploring brain functions enabling learning and memory has greatly accelerated in recent years. The chapters in this book reflect current theoretical approaches to the study of brain and memory and provide new insights concerning the cellular bases of memory and the differential involvement of brain systems in different forms of memory. By presenting up-to-date summaries of research...
Catalyzed by the development of new neurobiological and behavioral techniques as well as new conceptual and theoretical approaches to the study of the...
James L. McGaugh Federico Bermudez-Rattoni James L. McGaugh
Catalyzed by the development of new neurobiological and behavioral techniques as well as new conceptual and theoretical approaches to the study of the relationship between brain and behavior, research exploring brain functions enabling learning and memory has greatly accelerated in recent years. The chapters in this book reflect current theoretical approaches to the study of brain and memory and provide new insights concerning the cellular bases of memory and the differential involvement of brain systems in different forms of memory. By presenting up-to-date summaries of research...
Catalyzed by the development of new neurobiological and behavioral techniques as well as new conceptual and theoretical approaches to the study of the...