Images of sweatshop labor in developing countries have rallied opponents of globalization against foreign direct investment (FDI). The controversy is most acute over the treatment of low-skilled workers producing garments, footwear, toys, and sports equipment in foreign-owned plants or the plants of subcontractors. Activists cite low wages, poor working conditions, and a variety of economic, physical, and sexual abuses among the negative consequences of the globalization of industry. In Beyond Sweatshops, Theodore Moran examines the impact of FDI in manufacturing on growth and welfare in...
Images of sweatshop labor in developing countries have rallied opponents of globalization against foreign direct investment (FDI). The controversy ...
What is the role of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation in relation to private sector political risk insurers and financial institutions supporting the flow of foreign direct investment to emerging markets? This study provides an assessment of OPIC's various missions as a promoter of development, supporter of labor rights, protector of living standards in the United States, and advocate of environmental standards around the world. Drawing on the most recent evidence on the relationship between foreign direct investment and development and the impact of outward investment on the home...
What is the role of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation in relation to private sector political risk insurers and financial institutions suppo...