The Advanced Study Institute on Molecular Electro-Optics was held on the campus of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA, from July 14 through July 24, 1980. This Advanced Study Institute was attended by sixteen invited lecturers and by forty-eight other participants. The present volume contains the texts of all of the invited lectures presented at the Institute. Although these lectures were supplemented by many animated discussions and by numerous short contributed papers, it was not possible to include these in the present volume. Molecular electro-optics is a difficult...
The Advanced Study Institute on Molecular Electro-Optics was held on the campus of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA, from Jul...
Die Grundsteuer-Kapitalisierungsforschung wird für die Immobilienmärkte Bremen und Niedersachsen jeweils unter Verwendung einer Regressionsanalyse fortgeführt. Das Governance-Konzept und die Neue Institutionenökonomik dienen der Analyse des Kapitalisierungsprozesses.
Die Grundsteuer-Kapitalisierungsforschung wird für die Immobilienmärkte Bremen und Niedersachsen jeweils unter Verwendung einer Regressionsanalyse f...