Describes the operating principles of analog MOS integrated circuits and how to design and use such circuits. The initial section explores general properties of analog MOS integrated circuits and the math and physics background required. The remainder of the book is devoted to the design of circuits. Includes such devices as switched-capacitor filters, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, amplifiers, modulators, oscillators, and others. Tables and numerical design examples clarify the step-by-step processes involved.
An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed...
Describes the operating principles of analog MOS integrated circuits and how to design and use such circuits. The initial section explores general pro...
This comprehensive guide offers a detailed treatment of the analysis, design, simulation and testing of the full range of today's leading delta-sigma data converters. Written by professionals experienced in all practical aspects of delta-sigma modulator design, Delta-Sigma Data Converters provides comprehensive coverage of low and high-order single-bit, bandpass, continuous-time, multi-stage modulators as well as advanced topics, including idle-channel tones, stability, decimation and interpolation filter design, and simulation.
This comprehensive guide offers a detailed treatment of the analysis, design, simulation and testing of the full range of today's leading delta-sigma ...