The Elsevier Tetrahedron Organic Chemistry Series is a topical series of monographs by world-renowned scientists in several fields of organic chemistry. The Tetrahedron Organic Chemistry Series has been very successful in providing some of the very best scholarly works in these topical areas that have proven to be of lasting quality as indispensable reference sources. These books have provided the practicing researcher, student and scholar with an invaluable source of comprehensive reviews in organic chemistry, predominantly in the areas of synthesis and structure determination, including:...
The Elsevier Tetrahedron Organic Chemistry Series is a topical series of monographs by world-renowned scientists in several fields of organic chemistr...
The Elsevier Tetrahedron Organic Chemistry Series is a topical series of monographs by world-renowned scientists in several fields of organic chemistry. The Tetrahedron Organic Chemistry Series has been very successful in providing some of the very best scholarly works in these topical areas that have proven to be of lasting quality as indispensable reference sources. These books have provided the practicing researcher, student and scholar with an invaluable source of comprehensive reviews in organic chemistry, predominantly in the areas of synthesis and structure determination, including:...
The Elsevier Tetrahedron Organic Chemistry Series is a topical series of monographs by world-renowned scientists in several fields of organic chemistr...