Wilhelm Busch (1832-1908), endowed with an equipotent facility with sketch-pad and rhyming dictionary, created some of the most arresting sketches and drollest verses the world has yet seen. In addition to the title piece, this book reprints -Ker and Plunk- (Plisch und Plum), -The Egghead and the Two Cut-ups of Corinth- (Diogenes and die bosen Buben von Korinth), -The Raven-robbin' Rascals- (Das Rabennest), -Deceitful Henry- (Der hinterlistige Heinrich), -The Boy and the Popgun- (Das Pusterrohr), -Ice-Peter- (Der Eispeter), -The Boy and the Pipe- (Krischan mit der Piepe), -Firm Faith-...
Wilhelm Busch (1832-1908), endowed with an equipotent facility with sketch-pad and rhyming dictionary, created some of the most arresting sketches and...