You are not who you think you are! Here you can begin to re-educate yourself out of spiritual blindness and recognize your True Self-nature.
"Yoga psychology" offers a discipline for freeing yourself from life's miseries. You are invited to enter a path of meditative concentration and self-inquiry leading to deep self knowledge. This path is founded on the proposition that you can truly be yourself, but that to be yourself you must first find and know yourself. When you have learned to let go of the delusions foisted on you by social conditioning you will recognize your inherent freedom...
You are not who you think you are! Here you can begin to re-educate yourself out of spiritual blindness and recognize your True Self-nature.
Woodes Rogers-the man who rescued 'Robinson Crusoe' In the history of the British at sea, the names of many of its greatest men have long been familiar to almost everyone. For many, however, the name Woodes Rogers may not be foremost among them. Yet in the time of Queen Anne this master mariner, sailing from Bristol, circumnavigated the globe in a momentous two and a half year odyssey with his two ships-Duke and Duchess. He was an English privateer of some repute and was successful against the Spanish, taking several prizes in the Pacific on his epic voyage. It was he who rescued the...
Woodes Rogers-the man who rescued 'Robinson Crusoe' In the history of the British at sea, the names of many of its greatest men have long been fam...
Woodes Rogers-the man who rescued 'Robinson Crusoe' In the history of the British at sea, the names of many of its greatest men have long been familiar to almost everyone. For many, however, the name Woodes Rogers may not be foremost among them. Yet in the time of Queen Anne this master mariner, sailing from Bristol, circumnavigated the globe in a momentous two and a half year odyssey with his two ships-Duke and Duchess. He was an English privateer of some repute and was successful against the Spanish, taking several prizes in the Pacific on his epic voyage. It was he who rescued the...
Woodes Rogers-the man who rescued 'Robinson Crusoe' In the history of the British at sea, the names of many of its greatest men have long been fam...