In recent years, viticulture has seen phenomenal growth, particularly in such countries as Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Chile, and South Africa. The surge in production of quality wines in these countries has been built largely on the practice of good enology and investment in high technology in the winery, enabling vintners to produce consistently good, even fine wines. Yet less attention has been paid to the influence of vineyard conditions on wines and their distinctiveness-an influence that is embodied in the French concept of terroir. An essential component of terroir...
In recent years, viticulture has seen phenomenal growth, particularly in such countries as Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Chile, and South...
As discrete models and computing have become more common, there is a need to study matrix computation and numerical linear algebra. Encompassing a diverse mathematical core, Elements of Matrix Modeling and Computing with MATLAB examines a variety of applications and their modeling processes, showing you how to develop matrix models and solve algebraic systems. Emphasizing practical skills, it creates a bridge from problems with two and three variables to more realistic problems that have additional variables. Elements of Matrix Modeling and Computing with MATLAB focuses on seven basic...
As discrete models and computing have become more common, there is a need to study matrix computation and numerical linear algebra. Encompassing a div...
Critical Literacies in Action: Social Perspectives and Teaching Practices asks how educators can become more experienced in order to truly support literacy, particularly for children of poverty or for those who have been labeled "at-risk". This is especially important in current times, since a literate individual is one who is more successfully able to situate him- or herself within a continuum of lifelong learning in order to fulfill personal goals and to participate fully within the wider societyal context.
Although the word "literacy" has been with us for a very long time, the very...
Critical Literacies in Action: Social Perspectives and Teaching Practices asks how educators can become more experienced in order to truly support lit...
This volume examines the procedures that school boards follow in selecting principals and their deputies, and analyzes how leadership change affects a school's teaching and administration staff. It advocates a more inclusive approach to leadership succession.
This volume examines the procedures that school boards follow in selecting principals and their deputies, and analyzes how leadership change affects a...
Contributors to this volume examine structures and processes that school boards have in place directly relating to the process of principal or vice-principal succession. As well, they consider the effect that these structures and processes have upon staff and administrators themselves. These contributors investigate policies, procedures and practices that school boards employ in terms of leadership succession, and explore implications of these constructs for the sustainability of school improvement. This volume presents an overview of the process of principal or vice-principal succession,...
Contributors to this volume examine structures and processes that school boards have in place directly relating to the process of principal or vice-pr...
The first edition of Understanding Vineyard Soils has been praised for its comprehensive coverage of soil topics relevant to viticulture. However, the industry is dynamic--new developments are occurring, especially with respect to measuring soil variability, managing soil water, possible effects of climate change, rootstock breeding and selection, monitoring sustainability, and improving grape quality and the "typicity" of wines. All this is embodied in an increased focus on the terroir or "sense of place" of vineyard sites, with greater emphasis being placed on wine quality relative...
The first edition of Understanding Vineyard Soils has been praised for its comprehensive coverage of soil topics relevant to viticulture. How...
Computational Mathematics: Models, Methods, and Analysis with MATLAB(r) and MPI is a unique book covering the concepts and techniques at the core of computational science. The author delivers a hands-on introduction to nonlinear, 2D, and 3D models; nonrectangular domains; systems of partial differential equations; and large algebraic problems requiring high-performance computing. The book shows how to apply a model, select a numerical method, implement computer simulations, and assess the ensuing results.
Providing a wealth of MATLAB, Fortran, and C++...
Computational Mathematics: Models, Methods, and Analysis with MATLAB(r) and MPI is a unique book covering the concepts ...