Since the appearance of the authors' first volume on elliptic curve cryptography in 1999 there has been tremendous progress in the field. In some topics, particularly point counting, the progress has been spectacular. Other topics such as the Weil and Tate pairings have been applied in new and important ways to cryptographic protocols that hold great promise. Notions such as provable security, side channel analysis and the Weil descent technique have also grown in importance. This second volume addresses these advances and brings the reader up to date. Prominent contributors to the research...
Since the appearance of the authors' first volume on elliptic curve cryptography in 1999 there has been tremendous progress in the field. In some topi...
In the past few years elliptic curve cryptography has moved from a fringe activity to a major system in the commercial world. This timely work summarizes knowledge gathered at Hewlett-Packard over a number of years and explains the mathematics behind practical implementations of elliptic curve systems. Since the mathematics is advanced, a high barrier to entry exists for individuals and companies new to this technology. Hence, this book will be invaluable not only to mathematicians but also to engineers and computer scientists who want to actually implement such systems.
In the past few years elliptic curve cryptography has moved from a fringe activity to a major system in the commercial world. This timely work summari...
The theory of finite fields, whose origins can be traced back to the works of Gauss and Galois, has played a part in various branches in mathematics. Inrecent years we have witnessed a resurgence of interest in finite fields, and this is partly due to important applications in coding theory and cryptography. The purpose of this book is to introduce the reader to some of these recent developments. It should be of interest to a wide range of students, researchers and practitioners in the disciplines of computer science, engineering and mathematics. We shall focus our attention on some specific...
The theory of finite fields, whose origins can be traced back to the works of Gauss and Galois, has played a part in various branches in mathematics. ...
The theory of finite fields, whose origins can be traced back to the works of Gauss and Galois, has played a part in various branches in mathematics. Inrecent years we have witnessed a resurgence of interest in finite fields, and this is partly due to important applications in coding theory and cryptography. The purpose of this book is to introduce the reader to some of these recent developments. It should be of interest to a wide range of students, researchers and practitioners in the disciplines of computer science, engineering and mathematics. We shall focus our attention on some specific...
The theory of finite fields, whose origins can be traced back to the works of Gauss and Galois, has played a part in various branches in mathematics. ...
The areas of communications, computer networks, and signal processing have undergone rapid development over the past several years. The advent of VLSI circuitry and increasingly sophisticated computer hardware and software techniques have made possible the construction of systems and signal proces sors for. communications applications not contemplated only a short time ago. The increasing complexity of communication systems, both by themselves and in land-based or satellite networks, has created a greater need for finding use ful mathematical techniques for their analysis. The rapidly...
The areas of communications, computer networks, and signal processing have undergone rapid development over the past several years. The advent of VLSI...