The distribution of the eigenvalues of differential operators has long fascinated mathematicians. Recent advances have shed new light on classical problems in this area, and this book presents a fresh approach, largely based on the results of the authors. The emphasis here is on a topic of central importance in analysis, namely the relationship between i) function spaces on Euclidean n-space and on domains; ii) entropy numbers in quasi-Banach spaces; and iii) the distribution of the eigenvalues of degenerate elliptic (pseudo) differential operators. The treatment is largely self-contained and...
The distribution of the eigenvalues of differential operators has long fascinated mathematicians. Recent advances have shed new light on classical pro...
Triebels book deals with the constructive Weierstrassian approach to the theory of function spaces and various applications. This book paves the way to sharp inequalities and embeddings in function spaces, spectral theory and semi-linear equations.
Triebels book deals with the constructive Weierstrassian approach to the theory of function spaces and various applications. This book paves the way t...
The distribution of the eigenvalues of differential operators has long fascinated mathematicians. Recent advances have shed new light on classical problems in this area, and this book presents a fresh approach, largely based on the results of the authors. The emphasis here is on a topic of central importance in analysis, namely the relationship between i) function spaces on Euclidean n-space and on domains; ii) entropy numbers in quasi-Banach spaces; and iii) the distribution of the eigenvalues of degenerate elliptic (pseudo) differential operators. The treatment is largely self-contained and...
The distribution of the eigenvalues of differential operators has long fascinated mathematicians. Recent advances have shed new light on classical pro...
"Theory of Function Spaces II" deals with the theory of function spaces of type Bspq and Fspq as it stands at the present. These two scales of spaces cover many well-known function spaces such as Holder-Zygmund spaces, (fractional) Sobolev spaces, Besov spaces, inhomogeneous Hardy spaces, spaces of BMO-type and local approximation spaces which are closely connected with Morrey-Campanato spaces.
"Theory of Function Spaces II" is self-contained, although it may be considered an update of the author s earlier book of the same title.
The book s 7 chapters start with a historical survey...
"Theory of Function Spaces II" deals with the theory of function spaces of type Bspq and Fspq as it stands at the present. These two scales of spac...
s s T h is b o ok de als w ith the the o ry of func tion s p ac e s of t y p e B and F as it s t ands pq pq at the end of the eigh ties. These t w o scales of spaces co v er man y w ell- kno w n s paces of functions a nd distributions suc h as H] olde r-Zy gm und s pac e s, Sob ole v s pac e s, fra- tional Sob o lev s paces (prev ious ly a ls o o ft en referred to a s Bes s e l-p o ten tial s paces ), Be s o v s pac e s, i nhom oge ne ous Hardy s p ac e s, s pac e s of BM O-t y p e and l o c al appro - imation s paces whic h are clos ely c onnected with Morrey-Campanato s paces.
s s T h is b o ok de als w ith the the o ry of func tion s p ac e s of t y p e B and F as it s t ands pq pq at the end of the eigh ties. These t w o s...