The morphological scheme devised by Hubble and followers to classify galaxies has proven over many decades to be quite effective in directing our quest for the fundamental pa rameters describing the extragalactic manifold. This statement is however far more true for spirals than for ellipticals. Echoing the concluding remarks in Scott Tremaine's sum mary talk at the Princeton meeting on Structure and Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies, "the Hubble classification of spirals is useful because many properties of spirals (gas con tent, spiral arm morphology, bulge prominence, etc. ) all correlate...
The morphological scheme devised by Hubble and followers to classify galaxies has proven over many decades to be quite effective in directing our ques...
The concept of time and frequency representation of signals dates back to the first notation for music. From a mathematical viewpoint we can associate the time function to its Fourier transform. This book introduces a useful representation of signals simultaneously in time and frequency.
The concept of time and frequency representation of signals dates back to the first notation for music. From a mathematical viewpoint we can associ...
The general problem studied by information theory is the reliable transmission of information through unreliable channels. Channels can be unreliable either because they are disturbed by noise or because unauthorized receivers intercept the information transmitted. In the first case, the theory of error-control codes provides techniques for correcting at least part of the errors caused by noise. In the second case cryptography offers the most suitable methods for coping with the many problems linked with secrecy and authentication. Now, both error-control and cryptography schemes can be...
The general problem studied by information theory is the reliable transmission of information through unreliable channels. Channels can be unreliable ...
L'Occidente fu sempre attratto dalla Cina, ma la mitica "Terra di Mezzo" rimase un mondo sconosciuto, favoloso e irraggiungibile fino all'inizio del Seicento, quando il gesuita Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) penetro in quell'immenso Paese, facendo conoscere alla Cina la civilta europea. Fu un altro grande gesuita a compiere l'operazione inversa, rivelando all'Europa il volto della Cina: il trentino Martino Martini (1614-1661).
Questo libro vuol essere un contributo alla conoscenza di un uomo straordinario per fede, scienza, capacita oratoria, coraggio fisico, abilita diplomatica e doti...
L'Occidente fu sempre attratto dalla Cina, ma la mitica "Terra di Mezzo" rimase un mondo sconosciuto, favoloso e irraggiungibile fino all'inizio de...
The four chapters of this volume, written by prominent workers in the field of adaptive processing and linear prediction, address a variety of problems, ranging from adaptive source coding to autoregressive spectral estimation. The first chapter, by T.C. Butash and L.D. Davisson, formulates the performance of an adaptive linear predictor in a series of theorems, with and without the Gaussian assumption, under the hypothesis that its coefficients are derived from either the (single) observation sequence to be predicted (dependent case) or a second, statistically independent realisation...
The four chapters of this volume, written by prominent workers in the field of adaptive processing and linear prediction, address a variety of problem...