Kathakali, the distinctive and colourful dance-drama of Kerala in South-West India, is the subject of this text. During these performances heroes, heroines, gods and demons tell their stories of traditional Indian epics. The four Kathakali plays included in this anthology, translated from actual performances into English are: The Flower of Good Fortune; The Killing of Kirmmira; The Progeny of Krishna; and King Rugmamgada's Law.
Kathakali, the distinctive and colourful dance-drama of Kerala in South-West India, is the subject of this text. During these performances heroes, her...
This is a wide-ranging collection of theories on acting, ideas about body and training, and statements about the actor in performance. This second edition includes five new essays and has been fully revised and updated, with discussions by or about major figures who have shaped theories and practices of acting and performance from the late 19th century to the present. The essays - by directors, historians, actor trainers and actors - bridge the gap between theories and practices of acting, and between East and West. No other book provides such a wealth of primary and secondary sources,...
This is a wide-ranging collection of theories on acting, ideas about body and training, and statements about the actor in performance. This second edi...
What is the relationship between 'body' and 'mind', 'inner' and 'outer' in any approach to acting? How have different modes of actor training shaped actors' experiences of acting and how they understand their work? Phillip B. Zarrilli, Jerri Daboo and Rebecca Loukes offer insight into such questions, analysing acting as a psychophysical phenomenon and process across cultures and disciplines, and providing in-depth accounts of culturally and historically specific approaches to acting. Individual chapters explore: psychophysical acting and the legacy of Stanislavsky European...
What is the relationship between 'body' and 'mind', 'inner' and 'outer' in any approach to acting? How have different modes of actor training shaped a...
The rise and rise of cognitive science and its impact on theatre studies has been significant over the last decade. Now the crossover between 'cog sci' and phenomenology is getting increased attention, but there are few scholars able to explore both fields and their relation to acting theory, and even fewer who can do so with reference to a lifetime of actual practice. Phillip Zarrilli is the leading scholar in the phenomenology of acting. This new book is a more direct engagement with phenomenology and cognitive science, proposing a new type of fieldwork to explore the structures of...
The rise and rise of cognitive science and its impact on theatre studies has been significant over the last decade. Now the crossover between 'cog ...
The rise and rise of cognitive science and its impact on theatre studies has been significant over the last decade. Now the crossover between 'cog sci' and phenomenology is getting increased attention, but there are few scholars able to explore both fields and their relation to acting theory, and even fewer who can do so with reference to a lifetime of actual practice. Phillip Zarrilli is the leading scholar in the phenomenology of acting. This new book is a more direct engagement with phenomenology and cognitive science, proposing a new type of fieldwork to explore the structures of...
The rise and rise of cognitive science and its impact on theatre studies has been significant over the last decade. Now the crossover between 'cog ...