This volume brings together significant contributions from leading voices in academia, the legal profession and government on the increasingly important topic of international investment and the legal system in which it operates. With the burgeoning size of international capital flows matched only by an explosion in international agreements intending to regulate the field, there is increasing potential for incoherence amongst and between treaties and arbitral decisions.
Appeals Mechanism in International Investment Disputes compiles, compares and contrasts the analysis and...
This volume brings together significant contributions from leading voices in academia, the legal profession and government on the increasingly importa...
In recent years, the treaties and strategies promoting global investment have changed dramatically. The widespread liberalization of economic policy has effectively spurred an increase in foreign direct investment (FDI). By encouraging foreign investors to enter international markets, many countries are witnessing exponential growth within their economies and local industries. The surge of FDI not only brings capital for emerging or growing industries, but it is also capable of boosting the country's economy by creating greater access to financing, more job opportunities, and potential...
In recent years, the treaties and strategies promoting global investment have changed dramatically. The widespread liberalization of economic policy h...
Today, international investment law consists of a network of multifaceted, multilayered international treaties that, in one way or another, involve virtually every country of the world. The evolution of this network continues, raising a host of issues regarding international investment law and policy, especially in the area of international investment disputes. This Yearbook monitors current developments in international investment law and policy, focusing (in Part One) on trends in foreign direct investment (FDI), international investment agreements, and investment disputes, with a...
Today, international investment law consists of a network of multifaceted, multilayered international treaties that, in one way or another, involve vi...
With the growth of the global economy over the past two decades, foreign direct investment (FDI) laws, at both the national and international levels, have undergone rapid development in order to strengthen the protection standards for foreign investors. In terms of international investment law, a network of international investment agreements has arisen as a way to address FDI growth. FDI backlash, reflective of more restrictive regulation, has also emerged. The Evolving International Investment Regime analyzes the existing challenges to the international investment regime, and...
With the growth of the global economy over the past two decades, foreign direct investment (FDI) laws, at both the national and international levels, ...
Sovereign Investment: Concerns and Policy Reactions provides the first major holistic examination and interdisciplinary analysis of sovereign wealth funds. Sovereign wealth funds currently hold three trillion dollars' worth of investments, almost twice the amount in all the hedge funds worldwide, and are predicted to hold nine trillion more by 2015.
This relatively new and rapidly expanding phenomenon remains relatively unregulated, but the International Monetary Fund and the G7 aim to establish temporary and voluntary rules to introduce transparency and uniformity until more...
Sovereign Investment: Concerns and Policy Reactions provides the first major holistic examination and interdisciplinary analysis of sovereign...
Today, international investment law consists of a network of multifaceted, multilayered international treaties that, in one way or another, involve virtually every country of the world. The evolution of this network raises a host of issues regarding international investment law and policy, especially in the area of international investment disputes. This Yearbook monitors current developments in international investment law and policy, focusing on recent trends and issues in foreign direct investment (FDI). It then discusses regulatory and policy developments regarding FDIs in extractive...
Today, international investment law consists of a network of multifaceted, multilayered international treaties that, in one way or another, involve vi...
The contributors explore the rapid growth of Indian multinationals and provide valuable insights into the patterns and trends of their outward investments and the factors that led to their emergence in the global FDI market. They also look at their continuously evolving strategies in theglobal economy.
The contributors explore the rapid growth of Indian multinationals and provide valuable insights into the patterns and trends of their outward investm...