In 1958, Shepard Stone, then directing the Ford Foundation's International Affairs program, suggested that his staff "measure" America's cultural impact in Europe. He wanted to determine whether efforts to improve opinions of American culture were yielding good returns. Taking Stone's career as a point of departure and frequent return, Volker Berghahn examines the triangular relationship between the producers of ideas and ideologies, corporate America, and Washington policymakers at a peculiar juncture of U.S. history. He also looks across the Atlantic, at the Western European...
In 1958, Shepard Stone, then directing the Ford Foundation's International Affairs program, suggested that his staff "measure" America's cultural i...
Martin Broszat Joan Bestard-Camps Volker R. Berghahn
Translated from the German and with a Foreword by Volker R. Berghahn The only comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the most fateful period in modern German history between 1929-1933.
Translated from the German and with a Foreword by Volker R. Berghahn The only comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the most fateful period in mode...
A comprehensive history of German society in this period, providing a broad survey of its development. The volume is thematically organized and designed to give easy access to the major topics and issues of the Bismarkian and Wilhelmine eras. The statistical appendix contains a wide range of social, economic and political data. Written with the English-speaking student in mind, this book is likely to become a widely used text for this period, incorporating as it does twenty years of further research on the German Empire since the appearance of Hans-Ulrich Wehler's classic work.
A comprehensive history of German society in this period, providing a broad survey of its development. The volume is thematically organized and de...
Der Autor bietet in Band 16 des Handbuch zur deutschen Geschichte eine Geschichte des Deutschen Kaiserreichs in allen ihren Aspekten: Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Kultur und Politik. Die Frage der Polarisierung und Pluralisierung der deutschen Gesellschaft vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg bildet den roten Faden, der sich durch diese facettenreiche Darstellung zieht, die jeden historisch Interessierten faszinieren wird.
Der Autor bietet in Band 16 des Handbuch zur deutschen Geschichte eine Geschichte des Deutschen Kaiserreichs in allen ihren Aspekten: Wirtschaft, Gese...
While America's relationship with Britain has often been deemed unique, especially during the two world wars when Germany was a common enemy, the American business sector actually had a greater affinity with Germany for most of the twentieth century. American Big Business in Britain and Germany examines the triangular relationship between the American, British, and German business communities and how the special relationship that Britain believed it had with the United States was supplanted by one between America and Germany.
Volker Berghahn begins with the pre-1914 period and...
While America's relationship with Britain has often been deemed unique, especially during the two world wars when Germany was a common enemy, the A...