Building on the success of its predecessor, this second edition has been thoroughly re-written and extended into a complete account of modern hydrogeochemistry. Offering a quantitative approach to studying groundwater quality and the interaction of water, minerals, gases, pollutants, and microbes, this book shows how physical and chemical theory can be applied to explain observed water qualities and variations. Integral to the presentation, geochemical modeling using PHREEQC code is demonstrated, with step-by-step instructions for calculating and simulating field and laboratory data....
Building on the success of its predecessor, this second edition has been thoroughly re-written and extended into a complete account of modern hydro...
Building on the success of its 1993 predecessor, this second edition of Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution has been thoroughly re-written, updated and extended to provide a complete and authoritative account of modern hydrogeochemistry.
Offering a quantitative approach to the study of groundwater quality and the interaction of water, minerals, gases, pollutants and microbes, this book shows how physical and chemical theory can be applied to explain observed water qualities and variations over space and time. Integral to the presentation, geochemical...
Building on the success of its 1993 predecessor, this second edition of Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution has been thorou...