Roseto is a small Italian-American community in east-central Pennsylvania. This fifteen-year study drawing on medical histories, physical examinations, and laboratory tests, compared a large sample of Rosetans to inhabitants of two neighboring communities, Bangor and Nazareth, and followed up this research with a sociological study of the three communities. "The lesson the Roseto experience offers American is that the thwarting of their biological need for social cohesion, community and emotional security is doing them tremendous harm--and that they need, urgently, to find distinctly American...
Roseto is a small Italian-American community in east-central Pennsylvania. This fifteen-year study drawing on medical histories, physical examinations...
This volume contains the edited transcript of an interdisci- plinary colloquium held at Totts Gap Medical Research Laboratories, Bangor, Pennsylvania on October 12-14, 1983 under the sponsorship of the Muscular Dystrophy Association. The aim was to illuminate the pathogenic mechanism of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy through a synthesis of available data on gene expression in muscle. In the informal give and take ot the collo- quium, the participants found themselves engaged in mutual education and enlightenment as they attempted to put together what is known and to highlight what is not known...
This volume contains the edited transcript of an interdisci- plinary colloquium held at Totts Gap Medical Research Laboratories, Bangor, Pennsylvania ...