When you want to find out what lies behind a word, name, or concept in the Bible, turn to Zondervan's Pictorial Bible Dictionary. It's designed to deepen your knowledge of the Bible through both words and pictures. Look up "Archaeology" and get extensive insights on how archaeological findings corroborate biblical accounts from Genesis to New Testament times. Turn to "Judges" and learn about Israel's leaders prior to its kings. Zondervan's Pictorial Bible Dictionary helps you to understand the people, places, customs, culture, and events of the Bible in a way that can help you better grasp...
When you want to find out what lies behind a word, name, or concept in the Bible, turn to Zondervan's Pictorial Bible Dictionary. It's designed to ...
To attain a full comprehension of the scriptural truth of Galatians, Tenney examines the epistle in ten chapters, each employing a different method of study: synthetic, critical, biographical, historical, theological, rhetorical, topics, analytical, comparative, and devotional. Includes helpful charts, outlines, and bibliography.
To attain a full comprehension of the scriptural truth of Galatians, Tenney examines the epistle in ten chapters, each employing a different me...
This dictionary is widely known and appreciated for its ease of use and profound statements of principal Biblical themes, accompanied by photographs and maps.
This dictionary is widely known and appreciated for its ease of use and profound statements of principal Biblical themes, accompanied by photographs a...
The Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary provides a visually stimulating journey for anyone interested in learning more about the world of the Bible. Through the articles, sidebars, charts, maps, and full-color images included in this volume, the text of the Old and New Testaments will come alive for you as never before. As a condensation of the Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, the information contained within this reference work is solid and biblically sound. The material is based completely on the NIV and cross-referenced to the King James Version, and it contains over...
The Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary provides a visually stimulating journey for anyone interested in learning more about the world of the Bi...