Karl-Heinz Hoffmann K. H. Hoffmann Karl-Heinz Hoffmann
The book contains lectures presented during the meeting "1st caesarium" held on the topic "Smart Materials" 1999 in Bonn. Recent results in theory and engineering of smart materials were discussed. Special emphasis was put on thin film technology and its role in sensor and actuator applications. This book will be of particular interest to physicists, engineers and mathematicians working in academia as well as in industry on the field of new materials with special interest in finding intelligent solutions of complex technological problems.
The book contains lectures presented during the meeting "1st caesarium" held on the topic "Smart Materials" 1999 in Bonn. Recent results in theory and...
Of all the zoological classes the insects are the most numerous in species and the most varied in structure. Estimates of the number 18 of species vary from 1 to 10 million, and 10 individuals are es timated to be alive at any given moment. In their evolution, in sects are relatively ancient and, therefore, they have proved to be a phenomenally successful biological design which has survived unchanged in its basic winged form during the last 300 m. y. In sects were the first small animals to colonize the land with full suc cess. Their small size opened many more ecological niches to them and...
Of all the zoological classes the insects are the most numerous in species and the most varied in structure. Estimates of the number 18 of species var...