Michael H. Graham argues that to meet the problem of witness intimidation squarely, the system must eliminate the possibility of intimidation by preserving the victim's or eyewitness's testimony in a form admissible at trial. To do this, the legal profession must develop procedures to preserve prior out-of-court statements and to admit such statements as substantive evidence if the witness is deemed sufficiently trustworthy. Finally, Graham advances a new proceeding--the preservation proceeding--that would permit the prosecutor to bring a witness before a judge, magistrate, or specially...
Michael H. Graham argues that to meet the problem of witness intimidation squarely, the system must eliminate the possibility of intimidation by pr...
Like nearly every area of scholarly inquiry today, the biological sciences are broken into increasingly narrow fields and subfields, its practitioners divided into ecologists, evolutionary biologists, taxonomists, paleontologists, and much more. But all these splintered pieces have their origins in the larger field of natural history-and in this era where climate change and relentless population growth are irrevocably altering the world around us, perhaps it's time to step back and take a new, fresh look at the larger picture.
"The Essential Naturalist" offers exactly that: a...
Like nearly every area of scholarly inquiry today, the biological sciences are broken into increasingly narrow fields and subfields, its practition...