The standard rationality hypothesis implies that behaviour can be represented as the maximization of a suitably restricted utility function. This hypothesis lies at the heart of a large body of recent work in economics, of course, but also in political science, ethics, and other major branches of social sciences. Though the utility maximization hypothesis is venerable, it remains an area of active research. Moreover, some fundamental conceptual problems remain unresolved, or at best have resolutions that are too recent to have achieved widespread understanding among social scientists. ...
The standard rationality hypothesis implies that behaviour can be represented as the maximization of a suitably restricted utility function. This hypo...
The standard rationality hypothesis is that behaviour can be represented as the maximization of a suitably restricted utility function. This hypothesis lies at the heart of a large body of recent work in economics, of course, but also in political science, ethics, and other major branches of the social sciences. Though this hypothesis of utility maximization deserves our continued respect, finding further refinements and developing new critiques remain areas of active research. In fact, many fundamental conceptual problems remain unsettled. Where others have been resolved, their resolutions...
The standard rationality hypothesis is that behaviour can be represented as the maximization of a suitably restricted utility function. This hypothesi...
The standard rationality hypothesis is that behaviour can be represented as the maximization of a suitably restricted utility function. This hypothesis lies at the heart of a large body of recent work in economics, of course, but also in political science, ethics, and other major branches of the social sciences. Though this hypothesis of utility maximization deserves our continued respect, finding further refinements and developing new critiques remain areas of active research. In fact, many fundamental conceptual problems remain unsettled. Where others have been resolved, their resolutions...
The standard rationality hypothesis is that behaviour can be represented as the maximization of a suitably restricted utility function. This hypothesi...
The main purpose of the Handbook of Utility Theory is to make more widely available some recent developments in the area. The editors selected a list of topics that seemed ripe enough to be covered by review articles. Then they invited contributions from researchers whose expert work had come to their attention. So the list of topics and contributors is largely the editors' responsibility. Each contributor's chapter has been refereed, and revised according to the referee's remarks. Whereas Volume I ISBN 0-7923-8174-2] of the Handbook of Utility...
The main purpose of the Handbook of Utility Theory is to make more widely available some recent developments in the area. The editors...
Ausgehend von der gegenwartigen Situation Deutschlands im Bereich der Steuer- und Sozialpolitik untersucht dieses Buch deren Ursachen und analysiert Vorschlage fur Steuerreformen und Reformen des sozialen Sicherungssystems. Mit Hilfe von Mikrosimulationsmodellen untersucht es gangige Steuerreformvorschlage, die nachgelagerte Besteuerung der Renten, Familienpolitik und Reformvorschlage der Krankenversicherung. Mit Reformvorschlag einer Flat Tax.
Ausgehend von der gegenwartigen Situation Deutschlands im Bereich der Steuer- und Sozialpolitik untersucht dieses Buch deren Ursachen und analysier...
This is the first book that performs international and intertemporal comparisons of uniform tax progression with empirical data. While conventional measures of tax progression suffer from serious disadvantages for empirical analyses, this book extends uniform measures to progression comparisons of countries with different income distributions. Tax progression is analyzed in terms of Lorenz curve and Suits curve equivalents of net incomes and taxes. The authors derive six distinct definitions of the relation "is more progressive than," which are then utilized for an empirical analysis of 13...
This is the first book that performs international and intertemporal comparisons of uniform tax progression with empirical data. While conventional me...
Hans-Werner Sinn, Munich, West Germany This book contains 15 papers presented at a conference in Neresheim, West Ger many, in June 1986. The articles were selected by anonymous referees and most of them have undergone substantial revisions since their presentation. The common topic is measurement of welfare, both from efficiency and from equity perspectives. For many economists, welfare is a diffuse, arbitrary and am biguous concept. The papers collected in this book show that this view is not justified. Though not beyond all doubt, welfare theory today is crisp and clear, offering fairly...
Hans-Werner Sinn, Munich, West Germany This book contains 15 papers presented at a conference in Neresheim, West Ger many, in June 1986. The articles ...