Winner of the 2004 Claire P. Holdredge Award of the Association of Engineering Geologists (USA).
The only book to concentrate on the relationship between geology and its implications for construction, this book covers the full scope of the subject from site investigation through to the complexities of reservoirs and dam sites. Features include international case studies throughout, and summaries of accepted practice, plus sections on waste disposal, and contaminated land.
Winner of the 2004 Claire P. Holdredge Award of the Association of Engineering Geologists (USA).
Winner of the 2007 E.B. Burwell, Jr. Award of the Geological Society of America
Mining activity has left a legacy of hazards to the environment, such as waste, unstable ground and contamination, which can be problematic when redeveloping land.
This book highlights the effects of past mining and provides information on the types of problems it may cause in both urban and rural areas. By way of example, the book also demonstrates how such problems may be anticipated, investigated, predicted, prevented and controlled. Furthermore, it shows how sites already affected by mining problems...
Winner of the 2007 E.B. Burwell, Jr. Award of the Geological Society of America
Mining activity has left a legacy of hazards to the environment,...
Natural hazards cost the global economy over $50,000 million per year. Two thirds of this is spent on damage repair; the remainder represents the cost of predicting, preventing and mitigating against disasters. Man-made hazards such as groundwater pollution, subsidence and damage caused by expansive soils add to this figure. This text considers both natural and man-made disasters. All major geological hazards are examined, including: volcanic activity; earthquakes; dams; mass movements, soil creep, landslides; problem soils, quicksands and expansive clays; river, marine, wind action and...
Natural hazards cost the global economy over $50,000 million per year. Two thirds of this is spent on damage repair; the remainder represents the cost...
This book reviews the techniques which are used to improve the engineering behaviour of soils, either in situ or when they are used as a construction material. It is a straightforward, well illustrated and readable account of the techniques and
This book reviews the techniques which are used to improve the engineering behaviour of soils, either in situ or when they are used as a construction ...
Every engineering structure, whether it's a building, bridge or road, is affected by the ground on which it is built. Geology is of fundamental importance when deciding on the location and design of all engineering works, and it is essential that engineers have a basic knowledge of the subject.
Engineering Geology introduces the fundamentals of the discipline and ensures that engineers have a clear understanding of the processes at work, and how they will impact on what is to be built. Core areas such as stratigraphy, rock types, structures and geological processes are explained, and put...
Every engineering structure, whether it's a building, bridge or road, is affected by the ground on which it is built. Geology is of fundamental import...
Environmental Geology is aimed primarily at upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in departments of earth and environmental sciences, but will also strongly appeal to the professional geologist, geographer, civil engineer and planner. As human activities continue to degrade the Earth, the crucial importance of environmental geology is fast being recognized, and course structures are beginning to exhibit an environmental bias. As a result, this book is designed to cater to this new audience and direction. It provides an assessment and evaluation of environmental hazards...
Environmental Geology is aimed primarily at upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in departments of earth and environmental sciences,...
"Sinkholes and Subsidence" provides a twenty-first century account of how the various subsidence features in carbonate and evaporite rocks cause problems in development and construction in our living environment. The authors explain the processes by which different types of sinkholes develop and mature in karst terrains. They consider the various methods used in site investigations, both direct and indirect, to locate the features associated with these hazards and risks, highlighting the value of hazard mapping. Various ground improvement techniques and the special types of...
"Sinkholes and Subsidence" provides a twenty-first century account of how the various subsidence features in carbonate and evaporite rock...
"Sinkholes and Subsidence" provides a twenty-first century account of how the various subsidence features in carbonate and evaporite rocks cause problems in development and construction in our living environment. The authors explain the processes by which different types of sinkholes develop and mature in karst terrains. They consider the various methods used in site investigations, both direct and indirect, to locate the features associated with these hazards and risks, highlighting the value of hazard mapping. Various ground improvement techniques and the special types of...
"Sinkholes and Subsidence" provides a twenty-first century account of how the various subsidence features in carbonate and evaporite rock...