In Book One of the Crab Missoulah series, "The Mighty Ware Tree," Daniel Thompson disguises himself as undercover detective, Crab Missoulah, to capture the dangerous beast that haunts their town. A mysterious stranger and a tree with a peculiar history lead Dan and his new friends Herman and Violet down a path fraught with danger and adventure. This time they may have gotten more than they bargained for.
In Book One of the Crab Missoulah series, "The Mighty Ware Tree," Daniel Thompson disguises himself as undercover detective, Crab Missoulah, to captur...
In Book Three of the Crab Missoulah series, Daniel Thompson and his two best friends Herman and Violet Budge, find themselves caught in the middle of a centuries long struggle to recover the lost treasure of a distant relative. Halloween night brings a haunting twist to the chilling legend. It is sure to be an adventure to remember, if only they can survive. This book is spooky, not macabre. It is lighthearted and fun with just the right amount of fear sprinkled in to keep the pages turning "The Legend of Lenore" is the perfect read for a Halloween night or a chilly evening by the fire, and...
In Book Three of the Crab Missoulah series, Daniel Thompson and his two best friends Herman and Violet Budge, find themselves caught in the middle of ...