This hands-on guide begins at the point many grant seekers can identify with - rejection. Part One emphasizes how to resubmit unfunded applications to make them more competitive. The material contained in this section is invaluable, especially since funding sources are now limiting the number of times the same application can be resubmitted. Part Two highlights the practical issues of a project after funding has been obtained. The authors provide a map of the people and places that must become part of a researcher's daily and weekly routine, a checklist to aid the newly funded researcher's...
This hands-on guide begins at the point many grant seekers can identify with - rejection. Part One emphasizes how to resubmit unfunded applications to...
This hands-on guide begins at the point many grant seekers can identify with - rejection. Part One emphasizes how to resubmit unfunded applications to make them more competitive. The material contained in this section is invaluable, especially since funding sources are now limiting the number of times the same application can be resubmitted. Part Two highlights the practical issues of a project after funding has been obtained. The authors provide a map of the people and places that must become part of a researcher's daily and weekly routine, a checklist to aid the newly funded researcher's...
This hands-on guide begins at the point many grant seekers can identify with - rejection. Part One emphasizes how to resubmit unfunded applications to...
Getting research funding, from both government and the private sector, is becoming increasingly more competitive in an environment of shrinking resources. This useful book is designed to help both beginning and experienced researchers approach the grant application process and develop a successful application. The authors discuss: making initial choices; making key contacts; assessing research environments; what to include on, and when to write, an application; writing a persuasive application; targeting the application; and what to expect when an application is or is not accepted.
Getting research funding, from both government and the private sector, is becoming increasingly more competitive in an environment of shrinking resour...